Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Gwaith Ieuan Brydydd Hir.pdf/19

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

William Wynn o Langynhafal

Trefriw, April 23, 1760.

Dear Sir.[2] You would have heard from me ere now, but that I have been mostly from home since Easter. I have waited on Mr. Justice Barrington at Carnarvon with the Dissertation on the Bards, who approved of it. He has taken it and a copy of Nennius, both bound together, to London; so that I have it not in my power to send you a copy of it before next assizes, when I shall have both returned to me. He advises me by all means to translate more of the ancient Bards after the same manner I have done those odes I sent you, and make a small book of it by itself, which he says will sell well. He says that Mr. Gray, of Cambridge, admires Gwalchmai's Ode to Owen Gwynedd, and I think deservedly. He says that he will shew the Dissertation to Mr. Gray, to have his judgment of it, and to correct it where necessary: so that I hope it will be fit for the press when I have it. I approve of your choice in your intended book, and shall be very proud of doing everything ir my power to further it. But I think, with regard to the Dissertation, I had best follow Mr. Barrington's advice, who, together with his brothers, the captain and clergyman, have already been so much my benefactors, and have it still in their power to be so, that I cannot but do everything in my power to please them.

  1. Bu farw Ion. 22, 1760,
  2. Rhisiart Morys.