Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Gwaith Ieuan Brydydd Hir.pdf/39

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

all my friends are well. But she could give me no account at all of you. I therefore desired her to call by you, as it is not out of her road; and I dare say she will be welcome upon her brother's account.

I have lost my best friend in this country, Mr. Davies of Llannerch; and continue still a curate in the same place, and am at present, I thank God, in good health. I have collected a great many materials by way of an apparatus of notes upon Nennius. I have at present a small book in the press at London, which I suppose is no news to you, as your brother is the corrector of the press in the Welsh part. Mr. Justice Barrington told me at Conway it would be out in a fortnight's time or there- abouts. Had I received the copies I am to have, I would have sent you one. However, I will take care to save one for you when they come to hand.

I am sorry my ill fate contrives matter in such a manner that I cannot be near you. I am sure it would give me heart to carry matters to greater perfection than I can in the dis- advantageous situation I am in, in this country, where I lost all friends that had the same taste with myself. I am afraid, if I continue here much longer, I shall commence a down- right savage, so few persons are there in this country that relish anything of learning, or are any way encouragers of it: and to complete my misfortune, our Bishops look upon me, I believe in my conscience, with an evil eye, because I dare have any affection