Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Gwaith Ieuan Brydydd Hir.pdf/40

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

for my country, language, and antiquities, which, in their opinion, had better been lost and forgotten, and which some of them have had the front to maintain in their sermons: so that, all things considered, I am encompassed with a multiplicity of discouraging circumstances. However, I have so much philosophy as will carry me through the whole.

When I hear what reception my present publication has from the public, I shall then set about Nennius in earnest, though you know better than anybody else that the task is very difficult. You could help me to a great many more materials which lie scattered in your Celtic Remains. I do not know how you have enjoyed your health since I saw you, and whether you still continue to enlarge that valuable work. Mr. Justice Barrington told me there is a French writer, one Mons. Bullet, that has wrote a Celtic Dictionary, which comes to six guineas. He has promised to send one to me with many books from the printer. He says that he has made great use of the Archeologia Britannica without acknowledging his obligations to the author. I conceive but a poor opinion of it at present, but will let you know when I receive it. It is upon the same plan with your Celtic Remains. What a pity it is that work is not published even as it is now. Lambert's book, you know, is much in the same way, not reduced to any alphabetical order.

I have had lately some of Llwyd of the Museum's letters to the very learned Mr. Davies