of Llannerch, and inclosed I send a letter of Mr. Price of Llanvylling to Mr. Josiah Babington, schoolmaster of St. Asaph's. I thought it might be a curiosity to you. I shall take some other opportunity to send you transcripts of those of Llwyd. In one of Mr. Davies' common-place books now in my custody, I find the following curious anecdote, which I shall here transcribe for your sake.
April 13 '80. Mr. M. Lloyd told me that Bishop Usher said that when he was a young man he had seen an old book called Ecclesia Britannica Historia, auctore Tyssilio filio Brochmaeli (Brochwel Ysgithrog) regis Powisa. This book was then in the hands of Dr. Price, prebendary of Westminster; and Mr. Lloyd, upon enquiry, found Dr. Lewis of St. Cross had it afterwards; but being asked concerning it, said he lost it, by burying it in the war time; but Mr. Lloyd thinks that he sent it to Rome, having since heard he was turned Papist."
I still maintain correspondence with Mr. Percy, and find that the Northern Scalds had a kind of Cynghanedd, not unlike ours, in their poetry. I sent him Swrdwal's poem upon Our Lady, but my copy was very corrupt; and in return he sent me an abstract from Olaus Wormius' Literatura Runica.
I have no room to say more, but that
I am yours sincerely,