Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Gwaith Ieuan Brydydd Hir.pdf/43

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

sider matters, I find there are things of far greater consequence, considering the small, short, and transitory enjoyments we poor mortals enjoy here below. In such a situation nothing can give a person any solid satisfaction, but a conscientious discharge of his duty. When I consider how things stand now in Wales, how poorly we are provided with religious books, and those we have at present almost all worn out with age, and no new ones succeeding, but some paltry translations, which a mere Welshman can make nothing of, I would fain if possible, notwithstanding the present discouragement from persons who ought to know and do better, undertake something for the instruction of our poor countrymen; some plain practical expositor of the New Testament translated, would, in my opinion, be of great service. I think I may, without vanity, claim so much ability as would carry me through such a task, so as to give general satisfaction, provided God gives me life and health. You, who have access to some of the chief promoters of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, might, perhaps, upon application, get me proper encouragement, and they likewise, if so disposed, may best inform me what would be of most use, if what I proposed be not approved. I have had the correction of two translations lately: one was that of Kettlewell's Practical Believer; the other, entitled The Christian Instructed. Though I have taken great pains and altered abundance in their translations,