Neidio i'r cynnwys

Cofiant Dr. Joseph Parry Mus. Doc. (1841-1903)/Gweithiau Dr. Parry

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Bachgen Bach o Ferthyr, o hyd, o hyd Cofiant Dr. Joseph Parry Mus. Doc. (1841-1903)

gan Evan Keri Evans

Gweithiau Dr. Parry.

Dyma'r rhestr o weithiau Dr. Parry a ddanfonwyd i mewn mewn cysylltiad â'i ymgeisiaeth am y swydd o Brifathro yn y Guildhall School of Music yn 1896.

ORATORIOS. "Emmanuel," produced at St. James' Hall, London, yn 1880, at Crystal Palace, 1880, and on various occasions in North and South Wales.

Saul of Tarsus," or, Scenes in the life of St. Paul, produced at Rhyl National Eisteddfod, 1892, repeated at Cardiff Musical Festival, 1892, Newcastle-on-Tyne and several other places.

"Prodigal Son," composed in 1866.


"Nebuchadnezzar," or, Scenes in Babylon (dedicated by special permission to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales), produced at Liverpool National Eisteddfod in 1881.

"Cambria," Historical Cantata, commissioned by the committee of the Llandudno National Eisteddfod, 1896, and to be produced there on 1st July next.

"Joseph and his Brethren," composed in 1880.

The Birds," composed in 1871.


"Blodwen," The White Flower. The first Welsh Grand Opera (dedicated by special permission to H.R.H. Princess of Wales), produced in 1880, and performed about 500 times.

Virginia," produced at Swansea in 1882.

"Arianwen," produced at Theatre Royal, Cardiff, in 1884, and performed about 100 times.

"Sylvia," Produced at the Theatre Royal, Cardiff, 1895.

OTHER WORKS. A Tone Poem, for Chorus, Orchestra, Organ, and Four Bands, in three movements:

1.-Night and Sleep.
2. Dream Visions of Hell.
3.-Dream Visions of Heaven.

"Te Deum" (occupying about one hour in performance).

A Psalm (occupying about forty minutes in performance).

Chorales, about 300. An edition of 250 now ready for press.

Anthems, Choruses, Glees, Part Songs, and Male Choral Ballads, a very large number.

Songs, about 300 of various styles and forms. Duets, Trios, and Quartettes.

Welsh National Airs (Six Volumes), edited with new accompaniments and harmonized into four parts, and dedicated by special permission to Her Majesty the Queen.


In all twenty prizes won in National Competitions between 1861 and 1866-Oratorio, Glees, Chorales, Choruses, Motette, Quartettes, Songs, Canons, and Part Songs.


Six Overtures.
Ballade, Peredur, the Wandering Knight."
A Tone Picture-" Sleep."
String Quartette in D Minor.
Pianoforte Sonatas.

LITERARY WORK. Lectures upon the following subjects:

1.-The Nationalism of Music.
2.-Our present Musical needs.
3.-Musical Education.
4.-The Musical Composer and the development of his Art.
5.-The Science, Art, and Language of Music.
6.-The Music and Musicians of the Christian Church.
7.-Music-its Masters, Styles, and Forms, of the Classic Modern, and Romantic Schools.

Rhestr o Weithiau Dr. Parry[1]

I. Ym meddiant Mr. D. J. Snell, Abertawe.


"The Birds," Cantata.
57th Psalm (1862), MS., Cantata.
"Te Deum " (1862), MS., Cantata.
"Prodigal Son," Cantata.
"Joseph," Cantata.
"Nebuchadnezzar," Cantata.
"The Pioneers," Cantata.
"Nazareth," Cantata for Children.
"Moses," Cantata for Children.
"Cambria," Cantata.
"Ceridwen," Cantata.
"Blodwen," Opera.
"Virginia," Opera.
"Arianwen," Opera.
"Sylvia," Opera.
"King Arthur," Opera.
"His Worship the Mayor," Opera.
"The Maid of Sker," Opera.
"Cap and Gown," Operetta.
"Emmanuel," Oratorio.
Saul of Tarsus," Oratorio.
"Jesus of Nazareth," Oratorio (unfinished)


Gorsedd Ode, Chorus.
"Bethlehem," Small Chorus.
Boat Song.
Choral Fantasia.
"Village Bells."
"Telyn," Parts 1, 2, and 3.
"Elegie," Anthem.
"Loyal Hearts," Chorus.
"Choral March," Chorus.
"Ode to the Sun," Chorus.
"Molwch yr Arglwydd,"
"Praise to the Lord," Parts 4, 5, and 7; Anthem.
"Hail Prince! " Chorus.
"Worthy is the Lamb,"Anthem.
"Deep Jordan," Anthem.
"Behold," Anthem.
"Emmanuel"; Old Notation and Solfa complete. (No. 27 burnt.)
Tone Poem, " Holy," etc.,
"In Memoriam," Choral.
"Dawn of Day," Choral.
"God is a Spirit," Anthem.
"The Rescue."
Prize Glee, "Richmond."
Prize Glee, "Peace."
"The Shepherds and the Fairies."
"Patrons of Appollo's Lyre."
Prize Temperance Glee.
"Bessie's Grave."
"Blessed are They."
"O! Lord God of Hosts."
"O I come, let us sing."
"O! give thanks."
"O! give thanks," D Major.
"Arglwydd, cofia,"

Recit. and Chorus, "Haste We."
"Few and Precious."
"We will rejoice."
"Adieu to dear Cambria," Part Song.
"Molwch yr Arglwydd."
"I will call."
"The Bard."
"The Swelling Sea."
"Nid i Ni," Canon.
"Y Cychod ar yr Afon."
"Cartref y Cedyrn."
"Hear, Oh Lord."
"Praise waiteth for Thee."
"Strike the Lyre," Glee.
"Yr Afon Fach," Part Song.
"How beautiful is Night."
"Glory to God."
"Bless the Lord."
"Oh, Mighty Father."
"Through the Storm."
"Temperance Vocal March."
"Come unto Me."
"Vital Spark."
"Holy, Holy."
"Perfected in Jesus."
"I will arise."
"Remember, Man, thy Creator."
Congregational Anthems.

For Male Voices.

Monks' March.
"I arise from dreams of thee."
"Hen lan henafol."
"The old story."
"The Village Sexton."
"Merrily chants the soaring lark."
"Cupid's Darts."
"Life as a flower."
"Oh! give me my sword."
"Caradog " (" Caractacus ").
"My Lassie."
"Annabelle Lee."



"Bless the Lord."
"Political Catch."
"The Music


"Cambria's Lament."
"Yr Heulwen Glir."
"Teach me Thy way.
"Bow Down."
"Suffer Little Children."
"Cambrian Minstrels."
"The Two Angels."
"Atat Ti."
"Two P


"Cymru Fydd."
"My Mother."
"The Mother and Child."
"Y Marchog."
"Make New Friends."
"Hen Gloch y Llan."
"The Nightingale."
"The Soldier Brave " (Tenor and Bass).

"Baner Ein Gwlad."
"Be kind to the Loved Onea."
"To Charity."
"The King's Bride."
"To Lord Roberts."
"Hen Walia elo i fyny."
"Pa le mae Milwyr Arthur? "
"Christmas Story."
"My Heart is Weary."
"Jesus, still lead on."
"Life's Dreams."
"Cerddi Rhyddid Cymru."
"Gogoniant i Brydain."
"Where are the Friends? "
"I know a Maiden fair."
"Hen Gloch y Llan "(2).
"The Telegraph Boy."
"When other hands are clasped in Thine."
International Celtic Song.
"My Friends of old."
"Come back to Me."
"My Heart's Love."
"This Liíe and Mine."
"She knows."
"Those dear Eyes of Thine."
Easter Hymn.
Two Christmas Eves."
"The Skylark."
"The Old Yew Tree."
"The Sailor's Wife."
War Song.
"The Train."
"St. David."
"The Minstrel."
"Y Bardd a'r Bala."
"The Sailor's Song."
"Cymru, Cymro, a Chymraeg."
"The Place where we met."
"Ein Tadau, p'le maent Hwy."
"The Old Blind Harper."
"St. Gwyndaf."
"Wanton Gales.'*
"Forget Me Not."
"The Water Mill."
"The Days that are no more."
"Gone for ever."
"Cymru Newydd."
"Home of My Childhood."
"Old Swansea Bells."
"Yr Eneth Glaf."
"Excelsior," Tenor.
"Excelsior," Bass.
"Cheer up!"
"The Old Pot Pourri Jar."
"My Captain."
"Adieu, dear Home."
"The Lunatic."
"The House on Fire."
"The Day is done."
The Soldier."
"Ave Maria."
"E'en as a Flower."
"Diamonds hast Thou."
"Go, lovely Fisher Maiden."
"The Moon is fully risen."
"Thine Eyes."
"Thy Cheek."
"Nothing but Leaves."
The Old Cottage Clock."
"The Voice of Conscience."
"Lady Mine."
"Devona's Vale."
"The Mother and Child."
Lincoln's Grave."
"Home of My Soul."
"Storm of Tiberias."
"The Highland Brigade."
"My Love is fair."
"The Druid."
"As the Stream flows."
"Deio Bach."
"The Auctioneer."
"To Music."
"An Elegy."
"Ti wyddost."
"Dangos dy fod yn Gymro.'
"Mae'n Gymro byth."
"Parting Song."

"Oh I Lord, rebuke Me not."
"Not every One " (Sacred).
"Where shall My Soul? "
Song without Words.
Mari o Fedwig."
"The Disappointed Lover."
"The Old Harper."
"Y Cymro Pur."
"Y Danchwa."
"The Sad Farewell."
"The Day is cold."
"King Death."
Sleep, My Love " (Lullaby).
"The Charge of the Light
"Mae'r Tywysog yn dyfod " ("The Prince is coming.")
"The Pauper's Drire."
"Come, Holy Spirit."
"The Two Locks of Hair."
"Life is a Dream."
"A Love Song."
"Of thee, my bleak home."
"The Playing Infant."
"Oh! Lord, abide with me."
"Lead, Kindly Light."
"The Widow's Lullaby."
"Degree Song."
"Am Gymru."
"To my Friend."
"The Shepherdess."
"The Milkmaid's Song."
Eleven songs published in the
"Cambrian Minstrelsie."

VARIOUS PUBLICATIONS (published by others originally).[2]

Six Quartettes.

"Ti wyddost beth ddywed fy nghalon."
"Fy Angel Bach."
"Mi welaf mewn Atgof."
"Evan Benwan."
"I would I were a careless Child."
"Sleighing Glee."


The Gambler's Wife."
"Yr Eneth Ddall."
"The shake of the hand."
"Gwnewch bopeth yn Gymraeg."
"Dyna'r dyn a aiff â hi."
"Y Bachgen Dewr."
"Y Gardotes Fach."
"Y Fenyw Fach a'r Beibl Mawr."
"Atgofion Mebyd."
"Paham mae Dei mor hir yn dod."
"Gwnewch i mi Feddrod."
"The Cambrian Maid."
"My Childhood's Dreams."
"Gogoniant i Gymru."
"Y Telynor Bach."
"Thou art passed."
"The old kind friendly feeling," Duet.
"The Two Sailors," Duet.
"Gweddi Gwraig y Meddwyn," Glee.
"Achub fi, O Dduw!" Motette.
"Clyw, O Dduw, fy llefain," Chorus.
"Y chwaon iach," Four-part song.
"Ar don o flaen gwyntoedd," Glee.
"Ffarwel i ti, Gymru fad." Glee.

Six Anthems.

"Mor Hawddgar."
"The Lord's Prayer."
"God, be merciful."
"The Lord is my Shepherd."
Funeral Anthem.

"The Sailors' Chorus " (Male Chorus).
"Oh! as fair," Duet.
"Arabella," Part Song.
"Y Cychod ar yr Afon," Part-song.
"Gwaredigaeth," Glee ("Ar Don," No. 2, E flat; published in America).
"Pebyll yr Arglwydd," Anthem.
"The Traitors," Chorus.
"The Storm," Chorus.
"Dwynwen," Male Chorus.
"The Druids," Male Chorus.
"Rowing together," Duet.
"Hoff wlad fy ngenedigaeth," Song.
"Old Memories," Song.
"A voice from the wreck," Song.
"The Warrior's Bride," Song.
"Jesus of Nazareth," Male Chorus.
"Gwen," Male Chorus.
"Llan Henafol," Male Chorus.
Suo-gan, Chorus.
"Merch Cadben y LoliWen," Song.
"The Last Prince," Song.
"The Blind Harper," Song.
"Cymru," Song.
"Oes y byd i'r iaith Gymraeg," Song.
"Plant y Cedyrn," Duet.
"Hen wlad y gân yw Cymru," Duet.
"Teach me Thy ways," Duet.
"Y Tri Aderyn," Trio.
"The Three Singers," Trio.
"The Tangled Skein," Song.
"The Golden Grain," Song.
"My bonnie blue-eyed lass," Song.
"The Miller," Song.
"The Children's Garden," Song.



Nine Overtures.
Arthurian Ballads.
Three Tone Statuettes (Mirth, Regret, Courage).
A Tone-Picture, " Sleep."
String Quartette.
A Suite.
"The Dying Minstrel" (Cello and Orchestra).
A Dead march.


Three Sonatas (C Minor, E Minor, and G Major).
Cambrian Rustic Dance.
To Dilys," Parts 1,2, 3, and 4.
"Druids' March."
Maesgarmon Fantasy.
Seaside Reverie.
"To Eddie."
"To Willie."
"Rccollections of Childhood."
"Recollections of Courtship."
"Recollections of Spring."
"Emmanuel," Overture.
"Blodwen," Overture.

Violin and Piano.

Glyndwr March.
Welsh Air Fantasie (Violin and Piano).
Welsh Air Sonata (Violin and Piano).
Welsh Dance.
Welsh Dance

II. Ym meddiant Pwyllgor y "Caniedydd."[3]

Y rhai y prynwyd yr hawlfraint ynddynt, gydag eithriad neu ddwy gan Bwyllgor y "Caniedydd."

Rhan I.
(o'r " Llyfr Tonau Cenedlaethol ").

"New York."
"Dameg y mab afradlon,"
"Gweddi yr Arglwydd"

Rhan II.

"Y Groesbren."
Salm 1, Anthem.

Rhan III.

"Y Tymhorau," Darllen-gan.
"Cwynfanus," Darllen-gan.
"Y Bugail Da."
"Dydd y Farn."
"Yr Adgyfodiad."
"Dies Irae."
"Tydi, O Dduw, a folwn,"
Te Deum.
Alaw Hindwaidd (Cynganedd wyd gan Dr. Parry).

Rhan IV.

"Milwriaeth y Cristion.

"Pan am seibiant."
"Sanctaidd! Sanctaidd I "
Anthem fer.
Anthem fer i gorau bychain.
"Am fod fy Iesu'n fyw"
(cydmaith i'r anthem " Huddersfield").

Rhestr o'r tonau na chyhoeddwyd yn y Rhannau o'r " Llyfr Tonau Cenedlaethol."

"Fel yr wyf."
"Myned heibio."
"Sir Benfro."
"Y bobl oedd yn eistedd."
"Rock of Ages.
"Haleliwia (un o'r enw yn Rhan IV, Rhif 64, ond nid yr un).
"St. Paul."
"Gwneler Dy ewyllys."
"Deled Dy deyrnas."
"Y Diddanydd."
"Sir Fynwy."
"Ar y Groes."
"Claddu ein cyfeillion."
"Abercarn," yn nhaflen VIII.
"Iesu, ein Gwaredwr."
"Yr Ysbryd."
"Llandrindod," yn Nhaflen VII.
"Nid yw'n hoes."
"Iesu fy Nuw."
"Anfarwol Gariad."
"Bangor," yn Nhaflen VII.
"Llansawel," yn Nhaflen II.
"There is a green hill."
"Diolchaf am y groes."


"Milwyr Duw."
"Y Ceidwad yn Gyfaill."
"Iesu'r Cyfaill goreu gaed."
"Sain Hosanna."
"Y Bugail Mwyn."
"Awn ninnau i'r nefoedd."
"Y Jerusalem nefol."
"Milwriaeth y Cristion."
"Cwymp Babilon."
"Dyddiau Hyfryd."
"Hosanna i'r Iesu."
"Feibl gwerthfawr." Deuawd.
"Dos yn dy flaen yn wrol."
"Mordaith bywyd."
"Crist yw'r Brenin."
"Milwriaeth Crist."
"Y milwr bach."
"Plant caethion Babilon."
"Ei drugaredd a bery yn dragywydd."
"Gad im* aros gyda Thi."
"Yr utgorn a gân " (Anthem).
"Pwy bynnag a ddêl."
"Ai difater gennyt ein colli ni?"
"Duw Daniel."
"Yr Iesu yn erfyn ar yr enaid."
"Y tri llanc."
"Paid â'm gadael, Iesu."
"Yr Arglwydd fyddo gyda chwi."
"Addfwyn Iesu."
"Dos i'th ystafell a gweddîa."
"Cân Joseph yn y carchar."
"Nid amlygwyd eto beth a fyddwn."

"Gwerthfawr waed."
"Iesu'n marchogaeth i Jerusalem."
"Beth a dalaf i'r Arglwydd? "
"Caru'r Iesu'n fwy."
"Neb ond Iesu."
"Llef y paganiaid atom."
"Moliant i'r Iesu."
"Teilwng yw'r Oen " (Anthem).
"Dychweliad y gaethglud."
"Cysgod y Graig."
"Awn Rhagom."
"Os mynni, Ti elli."
"Gwaredigaeth Pedr."
"Hen Lyfr mawr y Bywyd."
"Bartimeus a'r Iesu."
"Pwy sydd yn y nef yn byw? "
"Gweddi'r teithiwr."
"O beiddia fod yn Ddaniel."
"Mae popeth yn dda."
"Yr adgyfodiad."
"Gwerthiad Joseph."
"Carchariad Joseph."
"Joseph gerbron Pharaoh."
"Joseph yn croesawu ei frodyr."
"Joseph yn fyw."

(Eiddo Mr. Snell yw copyright y pump olaf, allan o gantata "Joseph.")



  1. Yr wyf yn ddyledus i Mr. D. J. Snell am y rhestr hon.
  2. Ni fyddai o fudd i roddi enwau'r cyhoeddwyr blaenorol ond rhoddir gyda'i gilydd y gweithiau a gyhoeddwyd gyda'i gilydd.
  3. Yr wyf yn ddyledus i'r Parch. D. M. Davies am y rhestr hon.