Hanes Porthmadog ei Chrefydd a'i Henwogion/Addenda—Township Of Gest (AD 1682)
← Y Diweddglo | Hanes Porthmadog ei Chrefydd a'i Henwogion gan Edward Davies, Penmorfa |
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A.D. 1682.
Commission dated 14 July 34 Charles II. [A.D. 1682] appointing Edward Williams, Gent. and others to examine witnesses upon certin interrogatories as well on the parte of William Price, Esquire, plaintiff, as on the parte of Sir Robert Owens, Knight,[2] and Anne Jones, otherwise Glynne,[3] widow; defendants, before them to be exhibited.
[18 Interrogatories]
A Particular of such Messuages, Cottages, tenemts ptes or parcell of Tenemts claimed by William Price Esqr to bee pcells of the Principality Land within the Townshipp of Ghest to be annexed to ye Interryes.
1. Mess called Kae Newydd.
2. Tyddyn y Borth & Ferry.
3. Carreg Vawr.
4. Gwairglodd y Delyn.
5. Gwairgloddie Corsydd hirion.
6. Kae Du alias Kae Eithin Duon.
7. Gweirgloddie Brwynog parte of it.
8. The House and close called Mill field sometimes called Singrig.
9. Hendre Bach.
10. Drws daugoed arall.
11. Yr Ynys Goch.
12. Kae Congol & Cottages & a Garden.
13. Gwairglodd y Kefne & Cottages.
14. Kefn Perfedd.
15. Llanerch y Ghest a parte of it.
16. Parte of ye parcell called Ynus hir. 17. Parte of Tyddyn y Llyn.
18. Parte of Tyddyn Adi.
19. Parte of Tan yr Allte.
20. Parte of Llidiart Yspyttu. 21. Drws dau goed.
22. Kae glan yr Afon.
23. Kae Pella.
24. Twyll y Kae.
25. Parte of Carreg Wenn called y Borth fechan.
Deposicons and sayeinges of witnessess taken the third day of October, in the thirty fourth yeare, of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second, by the grace of God, Kinge of England, &c. att the dwellinge house of Richard John of Penmorva[4] in the County of Carnarvon, yeom before us the comisionrs subscribed by vertue of his Majties Comision, issued out of his Court of Excheqr Chamber, at Westmr in a cause there dependinge att issue betweene William Price Esqr Complte and Sr Robert Owens Knt and Anne Jones, widdow, deftesas followeth.
John Edwards of Llanymyneth, in the county of Salop, Clerke, aged fortie three yres, or thereabouts, a witnesse pduced, sworne and examined, for and on the plts behalfe sayeth and deposeth as followeth.
To the First Interrie, this deponant sayeth that he knows the pties plt and defendants. To the Sixteenth Interrie, this depont sayeth that he was present att and privy to a treaty, or referrence, about two yeres since, at Wrexham, Betweene the Complt and the deft Sr Robert Owen and this depont was a referree therein, and this depont further sayeth, that there were then some heads of a proposed agreement agreed upon, and reduced into writeinge, & to the substance thereof, this depont referrs himselfe to the same, each party as this depont beleives, havainge there had a parte or coppy thereof, and as farr as this depont remembers, each party was to have about a fortnight time of consideracion, to stand or not to stand to the same, and what became thereof or how farr the same was persued, this depont doth not know; but this depont heard, there was an after agreemt made between the said parties, and this depont further sayeth that att the said Treaty the ye possession of severall parcells of Lands or tenemts of the Townshipps of Ghest, and Rhydynog felen, then claymed by the Complt were to the best of this deponts remembrance by the said proposed agreement to be delivered to the Complt by the Attornemt of the tents thereof; and as to severall other parcells then in dispute betweene them, whether Crown Lands or Freehold Lands, it was agreed that a tryall att Law should be had, in the proper County, touchinge the same whether the same were Freehold or Crown Lands and in this deponts apprehension a farr greater parte was agreed to be delivered to the possession of the plt than was referred to the said tryall at Law.
Richard Edwards, of Nanhoron, in the County of Carnarvon, gent. aged two and Fifty—yeares, or thereabouts, produced, and examined, on the said Complts behaulfe, deposeth and sayeth as followeth.
To the thirteenth Interrogatorie, this depont sayeth, that he doth not know, neither doth hee remember, to have heard that any person or persons of estate, in the Counties of Carnarvon or Anglesey houlding and beinge possessed of Lands from the Crown, did att any tyme take uppon them to presume to levye Fines sufferr Recoveries, or to setle such leasehold Lands, with their own inheritance and Freehold to the same uses, But this depont doth remember that one Owen Smith of Carnarvon, or one of his ancestors, beinge but tennant (as this depont conceiveth) to the ancestore of Nicholas Bagenall Esqr of certeyn lands neere Carnarvon Towne, did leavy a Fine, and make a setlemt of the said Mr Bagenall ancestors Lands, with his own Freehold land, the which appeared att a tryall in an Ejectmt brought some few yeares since, by the said Mr Bagenall, against the heir att Law, of the said Owen Smith (or his tennant) wherein a verdict and Judgment was obtained by the said Mr Bagenall or his lessee for the Recoverie of the said premisses.
John Ellis, of Ynyskynhayarne, in the County of Carnarvon, gent. aged sixty seven yeares, or thereabouts, sworne and examined, on the Complts behalfe, sayeth as followeth.
To the first Interrogatorie, this depont sayeth that he knows the parties plt and defts and also knew Sr John Owen, Dame Jenett his wife, and William Owen Esq and their sonne, all now deceased, in their respective life time, and alsoe knew Robert Jones, and Griffith Jones, in that Interrogatorie named, both now alsoe deceased, and knew alsoe Ellin, Penelope, & Margaret Owens, daughters of the Lady Ewres, and Compton Ewres and Sr Sampson Ewres in that Interrogatie named, all now deceased. And this depont further sayeth that he knew the Townshipp of Ghest in the parish of Ynyskynhayarne and hath known the same these fifty yeares.
To the second, this dept sayeth, that he knoweth all the severall Messuages, tenemt and parcells of Land, in the schedule, to the said Interries annexed mencioned and comprised, except, Kae dû alias Kae eithin dûon, Gwairgloddie brwynog, Ynys Goch, and Kae Congol, and alsoe, he knows the house, garden and close, called Mill Field, sometimes called Singrig, and this dept sayeth, that all the said Messuages, tenemt and Lands in the schedule mencioned, Except before Excepted, and except Gwairgloddie Corsyth hirion and Gwairglodd y Delyn, are in the said Townshipp of Ghest, and have been reputed, and taken ever since he first knew the same, to be Crown Lands, and never heard to be contrary, till now of late when the suites began between the said parties, but whether the said excepted Lands, be in the Townshipp of Ghest, or not, this deponant doth not know.
To the third, this depont sayeth, that the Parish of Ynyskynhayarne, for ought he knows, or ever heard, is an intire parish of it selfe, and that all the Townshipp of Ghest, is in the said parish, and he beleives there is noe more in the said parish then the said Townshipp, and this dept further sayth that all the said Townshipp of Ghest, was since he knew the same, reputed to be Crown Lands, except, some Freehold therein claymed by some Freeholdrs there.
To the fifth Interrie, this dept sayeth, that he knows some parte of the Mears, and boundaries, betweene the said Townshipp of Ghest, and parishes of Penmorva and Treflys, which said Mears, extend from the old orchard in Wern, by a river called Avon Gain, and soe along the said river, below a house called Cwtt y defaid, and from thence compassing about a certeene tenemt called Kefn cyfaneth, in Treflys, and thence to another tenemt called Bron y voel, and thence to the hill called Moel y Ghest, and from the top of the said hill, down by a stone wall to a place called Llidiart Kae Erbi, and thence downwards to a stone, in or neere, the parish of Penmorva, and soe streight to a litle rivolett that runs to Pwll morva, and thence into the sea and soe along the sea side to a place called y Gamlys Goch, in Traeth Mawr.
To the sixth Interrie, this dept sayeth, that about fortie yeares since, he has been severall times, att a procession or perumbulacon, between the said parish of Penmorva, and the said parish of Ynyskynharne, with the Minister of Penmorva, and others of that parish, which said severall perambulacons began from the church of Penmorva, through the village of Penmorva, to a place called Pwll Goloywlas, and thence, through two little rivolletts to a hill or Green banke, where the Minister and the people, then stood, the Minister, declareinge the river beyond the said banke, to be there the Mears between the parish of Penmorva, and the parish of Ynyskynhayarne, in that parte of the said severall parishes, and this dept sayeth, that there are three cottages, one thereof, was built about fifteene yeares since, as farr as dept remembers, which lye beyond the said river lastly menconed mearinge betweene the said parish of Penmorva, and parish of Ynyskynharne, now in the tenure or occupacon of the dept Anne, her undr tents or assignes, two of which said cottages, and the place where the other is built upon, for about eight or ten yeares together in this depts memory, payd Churchleys, and Easter duties, to the said parish of Ynyskynhayrne, and the inhabitants or occupiers thereof, communicated att the said parish. church of Ynyskynhayrne, but sometimes used to go to Penmorva Church, to heare divine service, the said inhabitants beinge poor, they paid but a small "ley" att a time, a peny or thereabouts, and about 25 or 30 yeares since, they have paid their "leys" and Easter duties, with the said parishe of Penmorva, which said change, or alteracon, was made in the time of Sr John Owen, but by whom, or how obteined, this dept doth not know. And this dept further sayeth, that he about 35 years agoe (as neere as this dept remembers) beinge with his father att Clynenne, the said Lady Owen, brought to his father in her hand a small quantitie of barley, askeinge him, if it was not strange that such small graine grew in the parish of Treflys in a tenemt there called Kae newydd? beinge the said tenemt soe called, and in the said schedule menconed, and asked his said father, whether the said tenemt did not lye in the said parish of Treflys, to which he replyed, that he would not say it lay in the said parish of Treflys, and this dept further sayeth, that as he went thence alonge home his father speake to him sayeinge, "Doe you observe how they would have Kae newydd to be in the parish of Treflys, to make it Freehold and not Leasehold? thou art a young man, thou mayest live to see it disputed, it is."meaninge Kae Newydd "Leas Lands and lyes, in the townshipp of Ghest, an I have know it belonge to a tenemt in Ghest, called Carreg Wen." and Robert ap William an Griffith Lewis two old men, tould this dept the like att severall times.
To the ninth Interrie, this dept sayeth, that he heard, and beleives that the Lady Ewres made a will and this dept saw a probate, and two Coppies thereof, one with Sr Sampson Ewres her son, and beleives that by the said will she did dispose of the whole Townshippe of Ghest, to her four daughters, Ellin, Penelope, Anne and Margarett Owens, for twenty yeares or thereabout, for the raisinge of porcons for them, and after that term, for two yeares, or thereabouts, to Compton Ewres, and Morris Owen, two of her sons, for the raiseinge of porcons for them, and after the death of Lady Ewres, the said Ellin, Penelope, Anne and Margarett, and after the death of the said Ellin, the said other sisters held and enjoyed, duringe the said term the several Messuages, lands or tenemts in the said schedule menconed called Carreg Vawr, the house and close called Mill Field alias Singrig, the said several Cottages and Gardens menconed to be in the tenure of the said Anne, Gwairglodd y Kefne and the Cottages and Gardens thereto belongeinge, Kefn Perfedd, the tenemt
the tenemt called Ynys hir, Tythyn y Llwyn, Tythyn Adi, Tan yr allte, Llidiart Spyttû, Drws daûgoed, Kae glan yr Afon, Kae Pella, Twyll y Kae, and Borth fechan, which was parte of Carreg Wen, and alsoe as this dept beleives, another tenemt called Drws daugoed Arall, and received the rents, issues and profitts thereof and after the end of their terme, the same was alsoe held and enjoyed by Sr Sampson Ewres, as Admr to the said Compton Ewres, who survived the said Morris Owen, for about two yeares, and this dept further sayeth that he heard there was some difference betweene the said Sr Sampson Owen, and his said sisters Pendelope, Anne and Margarett, touchinge the said devised Lands, and here the said sisters and the husband of one of them (this dept beinge often with them) complayn against their brother Sr John Owen, because he did not permitt them to hould Kae Newydd, and Tythyn y Borth, and some meadows and other lands pursuant to the said will.
John Roberts, of Cromlech, in the County of Carnarvon, gent, aged 56 years or thereabouts a witnesse produced, sworne and examined on the plts behalfe deposeth as followeth.
To the second Interrie, this dept sayeth, that he knows the severall Messuages, Lands or Tenemts in the schedule menconed, called Tan yr Allte, Kae Glan yr Afon, Gwairglodd y Pwll, beinge parte of a parcell called Ynys hîr, and has known the same for about seven or eight and fortie yeares, now last past, and this dept in the time of the said Lady Owens held, and was tenant to her, of the Moyety of Ynys hîr and this dept grandfather had been thentofore tenant of the whole tenemt called Ynys hîr, and also the Moyety of Tan yr Allte, as he informed this depont which said severall messuages, tenemts or lands for ought this depont ever heard to the contrary, and as he was informed by his grandfather and others, lay in the Townshipp of Ghest, and were always reputed to be Crown Lands, and further, that all taxacons imposed upon the said tenemts held by his grandfather were payd with the parish of Ynyskynhayarne and were not assessed with any other parish. And this dept further sayeth that his father tooke a Lease from Penelope Owen and her sistrs of the said tenemt called Tan yr Allte, for term of yeares, att a certain yearely rent, and payd alsoe, a Fine, or Incomb, to them att the takeinge of the said Lease, which rent was payd to the said Penelope and her Sisters.
Owen Williams, of Treflys, in the County of Carnarvon, yeoman, aged sixty yeares or thereabouts, examined on the plts behalfe.
To the second, sixth, and nineth, Interries, this dept sayeth, that he knows the Messuages, Lands or tenemts called Carreg Vawr, the house and close called Mill Field, sometimes called Singrig, Yr Ynys Goch, Kae Congal, Gweirglodd y Kefne and the cottage thereto belongeinge, Kefn Perfedd, Llannerch y Ghest and Kae Erbi parte of Llannerch y Ghest, Ynys Hîr, Tythyn y Llwyn, Tythyn Adi, Tan yr Allte, Llidiart y Spyttû beinge the same tenemt with Kae Congol, Drws dau-goed and Kae Glan yr Afon, and he has known the same ever since he knew or can remember any thinge, havinge lived all his life time in that neighbourhood, which said premisse, lye in the parish of Ynyskynhayarne, and for ought he has ever heard, in the townshipp of Ghest, in the said parish, and he has always heard the same were reputed to be Crown Lands.
Henry John Owen of Llanarmon in the County of Carnarvon, yeoman, aged 72 yeares, or thereabouts, examined on the plts behalfe deposeth as followeth, To the second and ninth Interries, this dept sayeth, that he knows the Lands called Carreg Vawr, and Corsydd hirion, and has known the same these threescore yeares, Carreg Vawr beinge next joyneinge, to his father's Lands, and his father haveinge been tenant in Corsyth hirion, wch said Lands are lyeinge and being in the Townshipp of Ghest as this dept heard and verily beleives, for it was always reputed to be in the said Townshipp and to be Kings Lands for ought this dept ever heard to the contrary, and when his father parted with one he parted with the other. And this dept further sayeth that his father and grandfather have been formerly tenants thereof and of another tenmt called Coed y Kefne now in the plts posson and of severall other parcells of the said Townshipp Lands and his father payd ye rents thereof to Mrs Penelope and Mrs Ellin Owens, sisters to the said Sr John Owens, for some time till they took the same from him.
Hugh Thomas, of Llanarmon, in the County of Carnarvon, yeoman, aged 66 years or thereabouts, examined on the plts behalfe deposeth as followeth.
To the second, and all the rest of the Interries this dept sayeth, that he knows the tenemts called yr Ynys Goch, Carreg Vawr, Kae glan yr Afon, and Mill Field, alias Singrig, and alsoe knows the mill called Melin y Ghest, and has known the same these fortie yeares, all which said premisses are in the Townshipp of Ghest, and reputed for Kings Lands, and not Freehold, as his depont ever heard and was informed by David ap William Prichard heretofore tenant in Kae Glan yr Afon, William Prichard ap William heretofore also tent in Yr Ynys Goch, John ap William Griffith heretofore alsoe tent in Carreg Vawr and severall other antient people of that neighbourhood and this dept doth remember that the holdrs of the premisses heretofore payd their tythes out and taxacons for the premisses to the parish of Ynys Kynhayarn and all still doe, save that about 28 yeares agoe, and ever since the tythe of Yr Ynys Goch, was taken from Ynyskynhayarne and was payd to the parish of Penmorva, and this dept heard and beleives that this alteracon was made by some of the Clynenne family, and was soe informed by one John ap Richard John Owen, and the reason of this alteracon was as this dept heard and beleives was for that there was a small Freehold tenemt of Sr John Owen of about fifty shillings per annum in the parish of Penmorva neer adjoyneinge to yr Ynys Gôch, which with Ynys Gôch was held together, and name of the said Freehold tenemt this dept cannot remember; but the same was not called Yr Ynys Goch.
William Morris of Llanaelhayarne, in the County of Carnarvon, yeoman, aged 66 yeares or thereabouts, deposeth as followeth.
To the second Interrie this dept sayeth that he knows the tenemts or Lands called Llidiart y Spyttû, Ynys hîr, Tan yr Allte, and Gweirglodd y Kefne, and alsoe knows Gweirglodd Gardd y Spyttû, which was parcell of Ynys hîr aforesaid, and has known all the said premisses these thirtie yeares, he this dept haveinge (as he has been informed) been borne in the said tenemt called Llidiart y Spyttû, and alsoe been tenant in the said tenemt called Ynys hîr, and further sayeth, that the said tenemt as he beleives, and as he ever heard are in the parish of Ynyskynhayarne, and as he heard, the same were reputed always to be Kings Lands parte of the Townshipp of Ghest.
David Edwards of Ynys in the County of Carnarvon, yeoman, aged 59 years or thereabouts, examined on the plts behalfe deposeth as followeth.
To the second and the rest of the Interries this dept sayeth that he knows the tenemts or Lands called Tythyn Adi, Kefn Perfedd, Llannerch y Ghest, Carreg Vawr and Tythyn y Llwyn, these 35 or 40 yeares and the same were reputed to be in the Townshipp o Ghest and were taken to be Kings Lands. And this dept further sayeth that his father was formerly tent for severall years in the said tenemts called Tyddyn Adi am Kefn Perfedd.
Henry Edward of Ynyskynhayarne in the County o Carnarvon, yeoman, aged 45 yeares or thereabouts deposeth. ***** Piers Cadwaladr of Aberech in the County of Carnarvon, yeoman, aged 68 yeares examined on the parte of the plt. *****
Cadwaladr Rees of Ynyskynhayarne aged 57 yeares deposeth as followeth.
To the second and all the rest of the Interries this dept says that he knows the tenemts called Twyll y Kae, the house and close called Mill Field, alias Singrig, Hendre Bâch sometyms called Hendre Gadrodd, and also knows the mill called Melin y Ghest alias Melin newydd and the tenemt called Carreg felen and has known the same for about 44 years last past, about which tyme Rees Meredith this depts father became tent to Twyll y Kae and this dept lived with his father, and his said father for some tyme payd the rent thereof to one Mr. Meredith, the then parson of Crickieth who then held and was tent in the said tenemt called Carreg felen to Mrs. Tanatt and Mrs. Penelope Owen and her Sisters, Twyll y Kae beinge parte of Carreg felen, and that this depts father was alsoe tent of Hendre bâch, Alias Hendre Gadrodd, and he payd the rent thereof as Freehold Lands beloneinge to Clynenne, and the rent of Twyll y Kae distinct from that as Leasehold or Crown Lands and this dept further sayeth, that the house and close called Mill Field alias Singrig always belonged as this dept ever heard to the said mill, and was noe parte of Hendre Bâch alias Hendre Gadrodd, for that this depts said father was tent for about thirtie yeares together and some of his children after him in Hendre Gadrodd and in all that tyme, they had noe benefitt of profitt from the house and close called Mill Field nor ever enjoyed the same.
Robert John of Dolbenmaen, yeoman, aged 30 yeares examined on the plts hehalfe, deposeth as followeth.
He became tenant to twyll y Kae and another tenemt called Hendre Gadrodd, about six yeares agoe and for the first yeare he paid the rent of Hendre Gadrodd to one Mr. Richard Anwyll to the use of William Owen Esqr deceased the plt Sr Robert's father and for the other two years to Anne Jones as Freehold Lands.
Ellin Owens a witnesse formerly examined on the parte of the defts and now produced on the parte of the plt deposeth as followeth.
To the 11th Interrie this dept sayeth that her grandfather Sr John Owen disposed of, or granted the Townshipp of Ghest by his deed to trustees for eight yeares to the intent that this dept should receive the Moyety of the rents, issues and profitts for her own use and that the other Moyety should be equally devided between the Lady Owen and her Son William Owen Esq.
Ellin, the wife of John Humphreys of Crickieth, weaver, aged 55 yeares or thereabouts, deposeth as followeth.
To the second Interrie, this dept sayeth, that she knows the tenemt called Kae Glan yr Afon, and did know a house formerly that stood thereupon, which is now fallen, and sayeth that her mother formerly lived in that house, and she was severall tymes ordered by her mother to go to Ynyskynhayarne Church to receive the Sacramt.
John ap Evan Hugh o Crickieth, yeoman aged 80 yeares or thereabouts formerly Constable for the parish of Ynyskynhayrne.
William ap Ellis of Llanvihangel in the County of Carnarvon yeoman aged 60 yeares or thereabouts deposeth
Catherine the wife of William ap Ellis of Llanvihangel aged 62 or thereabouts, deposeth
William Probert of Penmorva in the County of Carnarvon, shoemaker aged 47 yeares or thereabouts examined on the plts behalfe.
This dept sayeth, that he knows the tenemt called Drws daugoed arall, and further sayeth that he lived with his mother who then held a tenemt called Tythyn Madyn, where she lived, together with ye said tenemt called Drws daugoed arall. And this dept sayeth yt Tythyn Madyn lyes in the parish of Lan Ystindwy, and the other lyes in the parish of Ynyskynhayarne, and payes tythe and taxes with the said parish of Ynyskynhayarne, and ever since he knew any thinge, Drws daugoed Arall was reputed to be parte of the Townshipp of Ghest, and he heard that it was purchased by Mr. Charles Jones.
Griffith Prichard of Penmorva yeoman aged 45 yeares or thereabouts axamined on the plts behalfe.
Griffith ap Robert of Llangyby in the County of Carnarvon yeoman aged 52 examined on the plts behalfe.
Richard Roberts of Llanystyndwy aged 72 examined on the plts behalfe deposeth as followeth has been tenemt of Kae pella the rent of which he payd to Mr Tanatt and Mrs Owen his sister in law or their Agents and after their terme to Sr Sampson Ewres.
Deposicons of witnesses sworne and examined on the Interrs annexed att the house of Richard John att Penmorfa in the County of Carnarvon the third day of October in the yeare of our Lord Christ 1682.
Margarett Glynne of Bryn y Gwdion in the County of Carnarvon, widow aged 77 yeares or thereabouts, examined on the defents behaulfes, sayeth as followeth.
To the 23 Interr this Depont sayeth that many yeares since she this Depont being used to bee often att Clenenney with the defendt Sr Robert Owens grandfather and grandmother. She was informed by the Lady Owen the defnendts grandmother, that the Lady Ewre her mother(in) Law, had disposed of the Townshipp of Ghest, and the other Lands of inheritance for some yeares, for rayseing of porcions for the daughters of the said Lady Ewre and Sisters Sr John Owen the husband of the said Lady Owen.
Robert Maurice of Brithdir in the county aforesaid gent aged 78 yeares or thereabouts examined on the said Defnendts behaulfes sayeth as followeth . . . . that Kae newydd and the house thereupon built were taken to bee Freehold . . . . . that Kae glan yr Afon . . . .in the said Sr William Maurice his tyme, and his daughters in law, Mary Lewis her tyme, and hath been by this depnts father and others antient people informed that the said parcell of Land, was Freehold.
Margarett verch John Griffith, of Llanystyndwy widow aged 60 yeares.
Rowland ap Richard of Llanvrothen . . . . aged 58 yeares
To the 13th Interr this depont sayeth that hee hath been informed about 40 yeares sithence that a parcell of land called Llettyr Gelyn, now held with a tenement called Tythyn Llwyn was part and parcell of Moelfre Lands and that one John Sandr a tenant that lived many yeares since in the said Tenemt called Tythyn y Llwyn did say that Lletty yr Gelyn did belong to and had been formerly held with Moelfre.
This Depont sayeth that part of the tenemt called Llannerch, viz. the closes called brith werin, Kae yr briddell goch, Kae yr Grigied, Kae Erbi, Kae Cognoyn Eiddew, Brynie Melynion, y Comins bach, Kae yr Edyn, Kae grdy Hen, and Moelfre, which are divided from the said tenemt of Llannerch by a little rivelett called Frwd y Ghest, and that the same (as this Depont hath been severall tymes informed many years since by auntient people, that were borne and lived there or in that neighbourhood) was comonly reputed to be Freehold land, and that Moelfre is a close of land that formerly belonged to Borth Land, and was taken from it, and lett with the said land, and that a toft called Murydy Hen stands the one side thereof upon Cae Moelfre Lands, and the other side thereof upon Cae high way leading from Ghest to Crickeath, and that so much of the said tenemt now going undr the name of Llannerch, as are called Llawr y Llannerch y deol, Brynie Cyloniog, and the dwelling house of Llannerch with some little closes neere adjozninge, wch are divided from the said particular closes by the said Rivelet called Ffrwd y Gest are comonly reputed and taken to bee Crown Lands.
William ap Richard Owen of Llanystyndwy, in the county aforesaid yeoman aged 55 yeares, or thereabouts sayeth as followeth:—That most of the moore formerly called Gwernvilog is in the parish of Penmorva, and is Freehold Land, and that this depont hath been informed long since that a great part of the said moore was drayned by Sr William Maurice knt the defendt Sr Robert Owens ancestor, and that the meadowes called Gwairglodd y Cefn, gwairglodd y Delyn, and Corsydd hirrion were parcell of the said moore called Gwern vilog.
To the 19th Interr this Depont sayeth that the tenemt called ynys goch doth lie in the parish of Penmorva and Townshipp of Penyfed, and that the same is part of a tenemt called Glan y Pwll budur wch is Freehold.
To the 17th Interr this Depont sayth, that the meadows called gwairgloddie brwynog lying in the parish of Penmorva, the tennantes thereof had right of Comon thereto, in the Comon belonging to Penmorva, and sent theire cattle there from tyme to tyme when they so pleased.
John Rowlands of Abereth in the County of Carnarvon, gent aged 60 yeares, sayeth that there are Freehold lands within the Townshipp of Ghest that is to say, Penamser, Cwm Bach, Tythin Ysgyborie, Mynydd Du am Bron y Gader bach and the chief or Kings rent out of Penamser, was and is 3s. 4d. Hee hath been many yeares collector of the King's rent payable as well by the Freeholders as tenants of the Crown Lands within the said Townshipp and did pay the same to the hands of Gruffyth Jones Esqr deceased.
William ap Richard, Gethin of the parish of Ynyskynhayarne yeoman, aged fourescore yeares or thereabouts, examined on the defnendts behaulfes sayeth as followeth.
Hee was borne a Treflys parish and bred there, and in the parish of Ynyskynhayarne and hath heard what is herein before deposed affirmed by severall ancient honest people, the meare that divides the said Freehold Lands from the Crown Lands being a Rivelett that runs from Bwlch y ddwy foel, to y Briddell goch, and from thence to Pistyll y Wern, and from thence to a place called Penrhyn y gwared, and from thence betweene a place called Lletty yr Lelyn (Lletŷ'r Gelyn) and Cae yr hye galed, and thence by Penrhyn y meinlin and thence betweene a meadow called gwairglodd y Borth and gwairglodd Pen y Clogwyn and thence to the sands on the sea side, and this Depont sayeth that there is a Quillet of land in the said meadow called gwairglodd Pen y Clogwyn, the one side whereof a butts uppon the said Riveletts, and the end thereuppon. The sands is also Freehold Lands, and belonged to the said tenemt called Borth.
Cadwallader John Williams of Ynyskynhayarne, yeoman, aged 54 yeares or thereabouts, examined on the defnendts behaulfe, sayeth as followeth.
That the tenemt now called y Garreg Vawr, was formerly called Carreg Wareing, and lieth in the parish of Treflys, which said tenemt was (as one Rowland Robert deceased long since told this depont di 'vers tymes) sould by one of his ancestors to one of the owners of Clenenney, otherwise hee the said Rowland should have enjoyed the same, as heire threof. Maurice John William of Treflys yeom, aged 48 yeares or thereabouts sayeth as followeth.
To the first Interr, that he knoweth the tenemt called Tythin Adi, and hedge called clawdd Llwyd and Pwll coch, and that hee was about thirtie yeares since informed by antient people that were informed by one Mrs Ellin Owen late of Bronyfoel long since deceased that the said hedge was meare betweene Treflys and Ynyskynhayarne
Henry Owen of Llanvihengell y Traythe, in the County of Meirioneth, yeoman, aged nienty five yeares, and upwards, examined on the said difendts behaulfes, sayeth as followeth.
To the 26th Intererr this dipont sayeth, that hee knoweth the tenemt called Drws daugoed woh has been in the houlding of one Thomas ap Rees, and has knowne the same this threescore yeares and upwards, and further sayeth, that the same was the Lands and inheritance of one Jane v'ch Richard ap Engan, this deponts grandmother, and her ancestors, and who many yeares since was perswaded by one Maurice ap Richard, her second husband, to sell the same to Sr William Maurice, otherwise this depont had been heireof, as heire att Law to the said, Jane his grandmother. But the said tenemt though Freehold lands lyeth in the parish of Ynyskynhayarne and is noe parte of the Crown Lands there.
William Pugh ap Robert of Penmorva, yeoman aged 64 yeares sayeth, that he heard honest people about 50 yeares since, say, that Gwern vilog was formerly a moore and drayned and converted into meadow ground by Sr William Maurice and lies (for ought hee knowes) in Ynyskynhayarne.
Rowland Gruffydd of Llandanog, in the County of Meirioneth, Mason, aged 66 yeares, & Robert Ellis of Gest in the parish of Ynyskynhayarne, husband man age 60 yeares depose as the other witness on behalfe of the defendts
John Gruffith of Penmorva, aged 70 yeares, sayeth that the tenemt called Tythyn Madyn . . . . and also Drwsdaugoed were reputed Freehold Land by auntient people. . . .
Robert ap Rhydderch of Llanystindwy in the county of Carnarvon, yeoman, aged 84 or thereabouts sayeth, that he knoweth Kae Pella wch Lyeth in the parish of Crickieth.
John Maurice, of Penmorva, taylor, aged 80 yeares and upwards, & Evan ap Morgan of Llanllyfni in the County of Carnarvon, yeoman, aged 50 yeares or thereabouts, depose as other witnesses, on behalf of the defendts.
Gruffith ap Robert ap Richard of Ynyskynhayarne, yeoman aged 72 yeares, or thereabouts, sayeth that hee heard that the mill called y Felin newydd, alias Melin y Gest was built by Sr William Maurice, upon the Lands of the defendt Sr Robert Owen.
Thomas Owen, of Treflys, yeoman, aged 54 yeares, Robert Ellis of Llystynrhyn in the County of Car- narvon aged 56 yeares. John ap Robert of Penmorva yeoman, aged 67 yeares Richard John of Llanvihanel y Pennant yeoman aged 77 yeares and upwards. Ellin verch Edward of the parish of Ynyskynhayarne, widow aged about 48 yeares, Katherine, the wife of Thomas Owen of Treflys, aged 48 years, William Griffith of Penmorva, yeoman, aged 60 yeares, or thereabouts, Robert Jones of Gorllwyn, in the County of Carnarvon, yeoman, aged 44 yeares, & Jonnett verch John ap Humphrey, of Penmorva, widow, aged 65 yeares depose as other witnesses on behalfe of the defendts. Ellin Owen of Portington in the County of Salop, spinster sayeth that she was long since informed Dame Jonnett Owen deceased this dipondt's grandmother and by the others severall tymes that the Lady Ewre, this depondts and the defendt Sr Robert Owen greatgrandmother havinge given by will the Townshipp of Ghest and some Freehold Lands to her daughters for the raising of portion for them.
About four yeares since this depont havinge brought a key with her to open a Chest att Clenenney, found a paper now shewned her purporting a Rent Roll of the Freeholds of the Lady Ewre made the 25th day of Aprill 1625.
John Owen of Kefne in the County of Carnarvon gent aged 31 years, or thereabouts, and William Gruffith, of Ynyskynhayarne, yeoman, aged 36 yeares, are also examined on behalf of the defendts.
[golygu]- ↑ Dymunaf ddiolch i Mr. Charles E. Breese, C.S., am weled copi o'r ymchwiliad dyddorol a gwerthfawr uchod. Adroddiad ydyw o brawf cyfreithiol a fu i'r hawl ar y tiroedd, y tai, a'r tyddynod a enwir, rhwng dau o bendefigion Gwynedd, sef etifedd Ystâd y Rhiwlas, ar y naill law, ac etifeddion Ystâd y Clenennau —hynafiaid Arglwydd Harlech—ar y llaw arall.
- ↑ Syr Robert Owen—ŵyr i Syr John Owen o'r Clenennau. Bu Syr John farw yn y flwyddyn 1666 yn 66 mlwydd oed.
- ↑ Anne Jones gweddw John Jones, Dolymoch, Ffestiniog.
- ↑ Wedi'u torri ar drawst yng nghegin Bwlch y Fedwen, y mae'r llythrennau a'r dyddiad, Sr IoI 1664. Credaf mai yno y cynhaliwyd y prawf.