Yn aros drwy ystormydd amgylchiadau,
Yn dyst o chwyldroadau fu'n y byd;
'Rwyt tithau yn heneiddio,—a'th ogoniant
Sydd bron mewn ebargofiant erbyn hyn,
Nid oes ond ambell henafieithydd unig
Yn gwybod 'chydig o dy hanes syn.
Hen balas urddasol, mae o'th gylch drysorau
Hanesiol oesau yn gyfrolau cudd ;
Oes ar ol oes a welaist yn myn'd heibio,
Ac yna 'n suddo dros y gorwel prudd;
Trwy gynhwrf oesoedd cefaist ti dy arbed,
A chefaist weled cyfnod toriad dydd,
A Chymru dlos yn gwisgo 'i bronau swynol,
A blodau siriol gwanwyn " Cymru Fydd."
(Translated by the Rev. M. Williams, Rhosygwaliau.)
RHIWAEDOG Hall, thou very ancient mansion
Wast once the home of a princely bard of fame;
A pleasant spot to trace with admiration,
The mystic history connected with thy name.
Thou standest firm a monument of ages.
Within thy walls heroes of freedom are laid,
Thy name commemorates past time of troubles,
A place where once a fierce battle raged.
The Berwyn tall, through all the revolutions
Of time, watched thee, as saying here I stand,
Looking beyond the storms of persecutions
On rays of freedom gleaming on our land;
To day the Berwyn peacefully is watching
Oppression sore dethroned, and freedom reign,
And casts a smile of joy and resolution
Upon the sacred home of "Llywarch Hen."
Around thy walls, the blood of our ancestors
Was freely shed, yea, shed for liberty;