CIPALITY, will attract the eye. His feet being always elevated on the corner of the grate, have become quite fireproof. About his chair three or four large piles of correspondence are placed, and there among domestics and visitors, all the weighty concerns of the Dysgedydd are calmly settled. Paper after paper is taken from the pile, and is patiently eyed from beginning to end. After being weighed if not found wanting, they are put aside for publication; otherwise, they are consigned back to the hopeless heap, as the Editor rather (braidd) thinks that they will not suit his pages.
Mr. Jones is now about 65 years of age. His appearance after all the domestic sorrows through which he has passed, is healthy and happy. The keen grey eye has scarcely lost any of its lustre, nor has the sweet smile disappeared from the countenance. The forehead is high, and partially hidden by the light flowing silvery hair, which falls like beams of light from the honoured head. The voice, though it has no peculiar charm, is engaging. His physiognomy unmistakeably indicates a man much given to deliberation, and who does not lack "information in the brain."
Daeth y rhifyn cyntaf o'r Dysgedydd allan yn mis Tachwedd, 1821. Math o specimen copy ydoedd, yn cynnwys anerchiad byr gan y Golygydd, cofiant y Parch. R. Tibbot, Llanbrynmair, gan J. R.; Anerchiad at ieuengctyd Cymru, gan S. R.; Cellwair a Phechod, gan Iau; Gwahaniaeth y ddwy oruchwyliaeth, heb enw; Gwybodaeth ysbrydion, gan B. Evans; Llawysgrifen y Parch. S. Phillips, gan B. E; y Gymdeithas Genhadol, gan R. E.; Llythyr Radama, brenin Madagascar; Pigion o lythyr Mrs. Mault, heb enw; Gofyniadau buddiol y Parch. Joseph Alleine, gan Egryn; Hanesion gwladwriaethol, heb enw; Barddoniaeth—Anerch y Dysgedydd, gan Meurig Ebrill, Gwilym Cawrdaf, a W. H.; a Pheroriaeth, Tôn, Mahalaleel. Dyna yr oll o gynnwysiad y rhifyn cyntaf. Rhoddasom ef yma yn llawn er mantais y rhai na chawsant, ac na chant o bosibl, byth weled y rhifyn. Darllenasom yn lled fanwl, y rhan fwyaf o'r Dysgedydd am y blynyddoedd y bu dan ofal yr Hen Olygydd; a thalasom sylw neillduol i bob peth a ysgrifenwyd ganddo ef ei hun. Drwg genym nad yw y cloriau o fewn ein cyrhaedd ar y rhai y mae yn gwneyd ei sylwadau at ei Ohebwyr. Mae y rhai hyny yn aml yn llawn cystal a dim arall a ellir gael, er deall teithi neillduol cymeriad Golygydd. Nid i ni yma y perthyn manylu ar gymhwysderau personol Mr. Jones,