Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Cofiant Dr. Joseph Parry Mus. Doc. (1841-1903).djvu/207

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

As a man, a citizen, and a neighbour he is greatly beloved, and he is ever ready to devote himself most assiduously to any work he is called upon to perform."

Arwyddwyd gan y Maer (Lord Windsor) a deuddeg ar hugain o henaduriaid a chynghorwyr.

Y Prifathro Viriamu Jones a ddywed:

"Dr. Joseph Parry is, I understand, a candidate for the post of Principal of the Guildhall School of Music. He has been Lecturer in Music at this College since October, 1888, and I gladly take the opportunity of bearing testimony to his power as a teacher, and to the success which has attended his work here. Dr. Parry is a musician of very varied attainments, and very large experience as a teacher. Others more fitted to pronounce on such a point than I am will speak of his musical compositions, and the power and originality by which they are characterized. He is a man of high character, and he will, I feel convinced, always devote himself with self-sacrificing ardour to any work he may undertake.

"I recommend his candidature very heartily to the most careful consideration of the Electing Body.

J. VIRIAMU JONES, M.A. (Oxon.), B.Sc. (Lond.), F.R.S.,


Ei gyd-athrawon eto:

"Learning that our colleague, Dr. Parry, is a candidate for the Principalship of the Guildhall School of Music, we desire heartily to support his application. Of his abilities as a musician we are not entitled to speak, but, from long intercourse with Dr. Parry, we are able to testify, as we do with great pleasure, to the many qualifications, both as a man and as a teacher, which he possesses for such a position as he now seeks.

Dr. Parry is a man of untiring energy and perseverance; to these qualities, directed by a great power of initiative, he owes in a great measure his present position in the musical world, a position which he has attained in the face of very great difficulties. As a student he has put before himself a high ideal of excellence, which he has spared no pains to realize; and as a teacher he has always endeavoured