Anthems, Choruses, Glees, Part Songs, and Male Choral Ballads, a very large number.
Songs, about 300 of various styles and forms. Duets, Trios, and Quartettes.
Welsh National Airs (Six Volumes), edited with new accompaniments and harmonized into four parts, and dedicated by special permission to Her Majesty the Queen.
In all twenty prizes won in National Competitions between 1861 and 1866-Oratorio, Glees, Chorales, Choruses, Motette, Quartettes, Songs, Canons, and Part Songs.
- Symphony.
- Six Overtures.
- Ballade, Peredur, the Wandering Knight."
- A Tone Picture-" Sleep."
- Suite.
- String Quartette in D Minor.
- Pianoforte Sonatas.
LITERARY WORK. Lectures upon the following subjects:
1.-The Nationalism of Music.
2.-Our present Musical needs.
3.-Musical Education.
4.-The Musical Composer and the development of his Art.
5.-The Science, Art, and Language of Music.
6.-The Music and Musicians of the Christian Church.
7.-Music-its Masters, Styles, and Forms, of the Classic Modern, and Romantic Schools.