Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Cwm Eithin.djvu/103

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

Beneffices bee vnder—vallewed) to a Thowsand Marcks by yeare: Wherof, for my parte, J make lesse Conscyence, synce the Lawes have graunted and establisshed the same vpon the Crowne."

Ond gan mai'r hen ddiwydiant gweu sydd dan sylw, gadawn yr hyn a ddywaid am addysg. Teimlai'r awdur yn ddwys dros ei gydgenedl; gwelai fod diffyg gwaith a moddion cynhaliaeth yn gweithio o dan gymeriad y werin dlawd. Cred fod Cymru fel gwlad wedi ei bwriadu i fagu defaid. Enwa'r gwahanol siroedd lle y ceir mynyddoedd ac ucheldiroedd. Dywaid fod yno ddigon o afonydd lle y ceid dwfr ar gyfer y fulling mills, a digon o fawn yn danwydd. Dywaid fod digon o drefi heb fod ymhell y gellid gwerthu'r brethyn a'r wlanen wedi eu gorffen. Credai y byddai'r Cymry yn falch o gyfle i ennill bywoliaeth, a chredai fod Duw wedi bwriadu i'r Cymry ennill eu bara yn y ffordd hon. Meddai:

"And (to declare the Trouthe) Noo people gladder to gayne J thincke and iudge that God and Nature hathe appoynted thinhabitants of those partes to lyve by Cloathing onely."

"And to conclude, by Clothing onely the People of Wales are to bee enriched & broughte to Civility. To the attayning of the p'fectyon wherof, no thing wanteth but a convenyent Stock of Monney, to bee destributed amonge the pore of every the partes of Wales before rehearsed, at the oversighte of the honest and Substancyall parrysshioners theare: And for the bwyinge of wolle weekely, & delyvery therof to suche pore Spynners, and Carders, that now lyve Jdly, and p'ish for famyn. SEUEN THOWSAND POUNDES will supply the necessity of this matter, wthowte the wch Jmpossible yt ys, to attayne to the reformatyon of the Disorders before specifyed: A very smalle Some in Comparyson of the greate good, and godly sequele hoped thereby."

Ceir y nodiad a ganlyn gan y Canghellor:—

"There is no actual evidence, that we know of, that his scheme was taken up; and whether his recommendations had anything directly to do with the passing of an Act twenty-one years after the death of Elizabeth we are unable to say. At any rate, in the interval between the writing of the tract and the date of the Act, textile fabrics seem to have received very