Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Cyfrol Goffa Richard Bennett.djvu/49

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

Safle uchel a enillais tra bydd fy mhobl mewn perygl. O derfydd amdanaf, darfydded. Mi fentraf fywyd a safle a phopeth er mwyn eu helpu hwy." Chwarae teg iddi, onid e? Dyma a gadwodd ei henw yn sweet ar hyd yr oesoedd: buasai wedi pydru ers talwm pe mynasai hi fyw iddi ei hun.

Ar ôl mynd adref heno darllenwch y bennod olaf ond un yn llyfr cyntaf Samuel, hanes Dafydd ar ôl ennill brwydr. Mynnai "Y rhai o'r milwyr gadw'r ysbail i gyd iddynt eu hunain. rhai a arosasant wrth afon Besor," meddent, "ni chaiff y rheini ddim o'r anrhaith." Fechgyn bach!" meddai Dafydd, peidiwch â siarad mor afresymol. Y mae pobl afon Besor i gael rhan fel ninnau yn union. Ac ychwaneg na hynny," meddai, y mae pob tref ac ardal y buom ni ynddynt yn ddiweddar i gael share hefyd. Mewn gair, y mae'r holl wlad i fod ar ei mantais o'n bod ni wedi curo." Dyma'r patrwm i chwithau. Gweithredwch fel yna, ac fe â eich punt yn ddwy, yn bump, yn ddeg heb i chwi erioed feddwl. Gwell yw i'r arfau dolcio tipyn mewn gwaith na rhydu ar y trawst.


Some of you, possibly, do not understand my remarks. I would impress on your minds that your success in the examination has created in those around you an expectation of a bright future for you, and that such a future lies along the lines of obedience and service. We hope and believe that your fine morning shall prove to be the herald of a still finer day. As far as it depends on you, do not disappoint us. You stand to gain nothing by disappointing your parents, your teachers, your minister.

But it is not that alone. Scripture states plainly that the Lord Himself watches the situation. He is interested in your present and your future. When Israel was a child," says He "I loved him. O! he was a dear little chap when a child, so winsome, so promising, so hopeful! I cannot even now forget the kindness of his youth. But he grew up, and when I looked,' mark well the expression, "when I looked that he should bring forth grapes, as was my plan for him, he brought forth something else." They are terrible words: God declaring Him—self disappointed with us. Would present ease, pleasure, or excitement balance such an awful risk as that?

If you do not wish to make a mess of your lives after such a beautiful beginning, listen to Paul's explanation of his behaviour in his very prime. Says he, "I labour,' Yes, we know you do, but for what? What is your goal, your ambition? "I labour to be accepted of Him." I can dream of nothing bigger than that, or wish anything better for you.

(Penegoes, Ebrill 1929).