Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon
- LL.
- llachar, bright.
- llaethes, f, milch cow.
- llaid, mud.
- llaith, damp.
- llarpio, to devour.
- llaso, lasso, a kind of noose f
- llathen, f, a yard.
- llech, f, flagstone.
- llechu, to shelter.
- llechwraidd, slily, secretly.
- lled, width.
- lleddf, minor, soft.
- lleddfu, to lessen pain, to assuage.
- lleidiog, muddy.
- lleiddiad, murderer.
- llen, f, veil.
- Ilên, f, literature.
- llenyddol, literary.
- llesg, languid.
- llesmair, trance.
- llethu, to crush.
- llethol, crushing.
- llew, lion.
- llewyrchus, light, hopeful.
- llif (pl.,llifogydd), flood.
- llipa, limp.
- lliw, colour.
- lloches, s.f., a hiding-place.
- llu, host.
- lludw, ashes.
- lluddedig, tired.
- llun, shape.
- Lluniwr, Creator.
- lluniaeth, food, nourishment.
- lluniaidd, shapely.
- llwy, s.f., spoon.
- llwyd-felyn, dark yellow.
- llwyd-le diog, muddy brown.
- llwyn, grove.
- llwynog, jox.
- llwyth, tribe; also, load.
- llychyn, speck of dust.
- llychwinog, dusly.
- llynges, s.f., fleet.
- llywaeth, pet (oen llywaeth, pet lamb).
- M.
- machludo, to set (of the sun).
- maethlon, nourishing.
- magnelau, cannons, (m. lawer),
- great guns (of a wind).
- maith, long, good.
- malurion, fragments.
- mall, bad, evil, (Y Fall, f., The Evil one).
- mân, small.
- mangre, f, spot.
- march, horse, stallion.
- marwor, embers.
- masnach, s.f., business.
- masnachdy, shop.
- mate, a beverage like tea, used in S. America.
- math, kind, sort.
- meddwl, v., to think.
- meddwl, s.m., mind, thought.
- meddylddrych, idea.
- mefus, strawberries.
- melusion, sweets.
- melus-y-pia, honeysuckle.or catching horses.