Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Drych y Prif Oesoedd 1902.djvu/17

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

Theophilus Evans was born in 1693, and was christened in the Parish Church of Llandugwydd on February 21st of that year. The entry in the old Church Register runs:

"Theophilus filius Caroli Evans Baptiz. fuit 21° Feb."

The part of the page containing the year is torn and has crumbled away, but it was undoubtedly 1693, as the previous entry is dated "4to. die February 1693 and the one following is 1693.

It is perhaps worthy of note that the name "Theophilus" in the above entry is underlined in the same rust-coloured ink with which the entry itself was made: likewise those of Jonathan and Margaretta are indicated by horizontal marginal lines. Whatever its object, this distinctive mark is striking, and it appears reasonable to see in it some reference to the great importance of the family in the parish.

When a boy at home, Theophilus Evans must have seen much of Jenkin Thomas, the poet, who was born about 1688, in Drewen Mill, on Penywenallt Farm, and the latter wrote commendatory verses on "Drych y Prif Oesoedd," which, according to the custom of the time, were printed in the beginning of the 1st and the 2nd edition. Jenkin Thomas was in regular correspondence with his grandfather's brother, John Rhydderch, an enthusiastic Welsh printer and publisher of those days, living in Shrewsbury. It is not improbable that the veteran Welsh publisher visited his relatives at Drewen Mill, and that the future author of Drych y Prif Oesoedd" then made his acquaintance.

It used to be a moot question where Theophilus