Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Hanes Methodistiaeth Arfon-Clynnog.djvu/82

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

âg adeiladu y capel newydd,—unrhyw bump ohonynt a gallu i weithredu. [Yma y dilyn ddeuddeg o enwau]. Penderfynnwyd i James Williams wneud ymholiad dioed dros y Committee am le i adeiladu ac am fod iddo ymgynghori gyda'r Parch. William Roberts ac eraill mewn perthynas i hyn. William Jones, Cadeirydd y Cyfarfod. [Yr enw yn llawysgrifen y person ei hunan bellach].

Hydref 18. Cyfarfu nifer o aelodau y Committee yn nhŷ Ebenezer Thomas a gwahoddasant y Parch. William Roberts Hendre bach a'r Capten Lewis Owen Lleuar bach i'w hystafell, pryd y penderfynnwyd tynnu erfyniad at Lord Newborough i gael ei seinio gan nifer helaeth o drigolion y Pentref a'r gymdogaeth, yn cynnwys cais taer am dir mewn lease i adeiladu capel, a rhesymau priodol a gwir dros y cyfryw gais. Addawodd Messrs. Roberts ac Owen ei gyflwyno i Lord Newborough a chefnogi yr erfyniadau a gwneud pob cynorthwy arall yn eu gallu fel swyddwyr ac ewyllyswyr da. Anfonwyd Mr. John Jones Ty'n-y-coed gyda hwynt yn gennad dros y Committee. Ebenezer Thomas. Copi o'r Petition. To the Right Honourable Lord Newborough. The humble Petition of the Inhabitants of Clynnog and the Vicinity, respectfully sheweth, That your Lordship's humble Petitioners feel a great disadvantage from the distance of their Religious Meeting Houses from the village, especially as the road up hill to the nearest chapel renders it impracticable for the old and infirm as well as children of tender age to attempt it.—That your lordship's petitioners being welldisposed towards the Church and wishing to attend the successive services in both church and chapel are precluded from this again by the distance complained of.—That a Sunday School consisting of about 80 persons is now kept in St. Beuno's Chapel, but that ancient building being out of repairs and greatly dilapidated, renders it dangerous to meet there during the winter months owing to the severe cold and damp of the place.—That the population of this village and the vicinity for half a mile around is about three hundred, as appears by the Schedule annexed to this Petition.— That your Lordship's Petitioners therefore most humbly venture to solicit your Lordship's favour to grant them in or very near to the Village, a small quantity of land in lease, to build thereon a meeting—house or chapel, and your Lordship's Petitioners would solemnly engage never to hold their meetings therein during the times of Church Service, it being a particular object with them to