Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Hanes Porthmadog ei Chrefydd a'i henwogion.djvu/126

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

very few) brought their own clerks with them, and apparently charged what fees they liked.

In 1753 the Law required that the Quarter Sessions should prepare a Scale of Fees to be taken, and that it would be an offence for any Clerk to a Justice (or Justices) to demand higher fees than the Scale allowed. Subsequently in 1877, an Act was passed providing (1) That there should be only one Justices Clerk in each Petty Sessional Division, and (2) that he be paid by salary in place of Fees, and that the fees should be paid to the County Fund. From the above facts I think it more than likely that Mr. David Williams would be the first Justices' Clerk representing ALL the Justices of the Eifionnydd Division. You will see that, prior to 1877, the appointment of Justices' Clerk was purely a local affair, and as he was paid solely by fees and not by salary there would be no occasion for any record of his appointment being at the County Hall, nor would his name be likely to occur in the Accounts of the County.

Yours faithfully,


Y mae sicrwydd i Mr. David Williams fod yn Glerc i holl Ynadon Eifionnydd am gyfnod lled faith; ac awgryma Mr. Charles E. Breese i Mr. Daniel Breese—ewythr Mr. David Breese—fod yn rhagflaenydd iddo, ond nid oes dim ar gael i gadarnhau hynny.

Y mae ym meddiant Mr. Christmas Jones, Tremadog, summons, o eiddo Mr. David Williams, i Alltud Eifion, yn ei rwymo i fod yn Gwnstabl Plwyf Ynyscynhaiarn; a chan fod hwn eto'n ddyddorol, ac yn dwyn cysylltiad â'r mater, dodaf hi yma.

County of Carnarvon to wit.

To Robert Isaac Jones of Tremadoc.

I do hereby summon you, to be and personally appear before such two of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County as shall be present at the Town Hall at Tremadoc in the said County on Friday the 28th day of March instant in order to your being sworn in as Constable for the Parish of Ynyscynhaiarn in the said County, for the ensuing year, or until another Constable shall be sworn in your stead pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided.