Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Hanes Porthmadog ei Chrefydd a'i henwogion.djvu/245

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

Cadwaladr Rees of Ynyskynhayarne aged 57 yeares deposeth as followeth.

To the second and all the rest of the Interries this dept says that he knows the tenemts called Twyll y Kae, the house and close called Mill Field, alias Singrig, Hendre Bâch sometyms called Hendre Gadrodd, and also knows the mill called Melin y Ghest alias Melin newydd and the tenemt called Carreg felen and has known the same for about 44 years last past, about which tyme Rees Meredith this depts father became tent to Twyll y Kae and this dept lived with his father, and his said father for some tyme payd the rent thereof to one Mr. Meredith, the then parson of Crickieth who then held and was tent in the said tenemt called Carreg felen to Mrs. Tanatt and Mrs. Penelope Owen and her Sisters, Twyll y Kae beinge parte of Carreg felen, and that this depts father was alsoe tent of Hendre bâch, Alias Hendre Gadrodd, and he payd the rent thereof as Freehold Lands beloneinge to Clynenne, and the rent of Twyll y Kae distinct from that as Leasehold or Crown Lands and this dept further sayeth, that the house and close called Mill Field alias Singrig always belonged as this dept ever heard to the said mill, and was noe parte of Hendre Bâch alias Hendre Gadrodd, for that this depts said father was tent for about thirtie yeares together and some of his children after him in Hendre Gadrodd and in all that tyme, they had noe benefitt of profitt from the house and close called Mill Field nor ever enjoyed the same.

Robert John of Dolbenmaen, yeoman, aged 30 yeares examined on the plts hehalfe, deposeth as followeth.

He became tenant to twyll y Kae and another tenemt called Hendre Gadrodd, about six yeares agoe and for the first yeare he paid the rent of Hendre Gadrodd to one Mr. Richard Anwyll to the use of William Owen Esqr deceased the plt Sr Robert's father and for the other two years to Anne Jones as Freehold Lands.