Tudalen:Llyfr Del (OME).pdf/131

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

DARBWYLLO, to persuade
DARGANFOD, to discover
DARGANFYDDIAD, m., discovery.
DARLUNIO, to portray, to depict.
DARLUNIAD, m., representation.
DARLLEN, to read.
DARN, m., piece.
DARU, fr. darfod, used as an auxiliary.
DATOD, to loosen.
DAU, two; f., dwy.
DAW, 3 sg. Pres., dyfod.
DE, right; south.
DEALL, to understand.
DEALL, m.. intellect, understanding.
DECHREU, to begin.
DEDWYDD, happy.
DEFNYDD, m., material.
DEFNYDDIO, to use.
DEFOSIYNOL, devotional.
DEFFRO, to awake.
DEFFROAD, m., awakening.
DEG, ten.
DEHEUDIR, m.. southern region, south, South Wales.
DEIGR. m., tear; pl., dagrau.
DEIL, 3 sg. pres., dal.
DENU, to allure, to entice.
DERW, f., pl., oak-trees.
DERYN, m., bird.
DESGRIFIO, to describe.
DESGRIFIAD, m., description.
DEUAI, 3 sg. imperf., dyfod.
DEUNAW, eighteen.
DEWIN, m., wizard, soothsayer.
DEWIS, to choose.
DEWIS, m., choice.
DEWR, brave.
DEYD, sec dweyd.
DIALEDD, m., revenge.
DIAMDDIFFYN, unprotected.
DIANAF, perfect, without defect, scatheless.
DIANC. to escape.
DIDDOS, sheltered.
DIDDIG, contented.
DIEITHR, strange.
DIFLANNU, to vanish.
DIFODI, to destroy, to ravage.
DIFRIFOL, earnest, serious.
DIFRODI, to devastate, to waste.
DIFYR, amusing.
DIFYRRU, to amuse.
DIFFYGIO, to be weary, to flag, to fail.
DIG, m., anger, wrath.
DIGIO, to offend. to be offended
DIGOFUS, wrathful, angry.
DIGON, enough.
DIGRIF. amusing.
DIGRIFWCH, m amusement.
DIGWMWL, cloudless.
DIGWYDD, to happen.
DHOENI, to decay, to grow languid.
DILYN, to follow.
DILLAD. m. pl., clothes.
DIM, nothing.
DIME, f., half—penny.
DINAS. f., city.
DINISTRIO, to destroy.
DINISTRIOL, destructive.
DINIWED, harmless.
DIODDEF, to endure, to suffer.
DIOG, lazy.
DIOGEL, safe.
DIOGELWCH. m.. safety.
DIOLCH, to thank.
DIOLCHGAR, thankful.
DIOSG, to undress.
DIREIDI, m., mischief.
DIREIDUS, mischievous.
DIRMYG, m.. contempt.
DISGLAER. bright.
DISGWYL, to expect.
DISGWYLIAD, m., expectation.
DISGYBL, m., disciple.
DISGYN, to descend, to alight.
DISTAW, silent.
DISTAWRWYDD, m.. silence.
DISTEWI, lo become silent.
DIWEDD, m., end.