Tudalen:Llyfr Del (OME).pdf/140

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

PLAID f., party, sect; pl., pleidiau.
PLANNU, to plant, to shoot off'.
PLAS, m., hall, palace.
PLENTYN, tn., child.
PLESER, m., pleasure.
PLWM, m., lead.
PLWYF, m., parish.
PLYGU, to bond.
PLYGEINIOL, dawning, early.
POB, every.
POBL, m., people.
POEN, f., pain.
POENI, to pain, to suffer pain.
POETH, hot.
PONT, f., bridge.
POPETH, everything.
PORFFOR, m., purple.
PORTH, m., gate.
PORTHLADD. m., port, harbour.
POSIB, possible.
POSTFEISTR, m., postmaster.
PREN,m., tree.
PRES, m., brass.
PRIF, chief.
PRIODAS, f. marriage.
PRIODOL, proper.
PRIODI, to marry.
PRIN, scarce.
PRIS, m. price.
PROFI, to prove.
PROFIAD, m., experience.
PROFFWYDO, to prophesy.
PRUDD, serious, sad.
PRYD, when.
PRYDFERTH, beautiful.
PRYNHAWN, m., afternoon.
PRYNNU, to buy.
PRYSUR, busy, diligent.
PRYSURO, to mako haste.
PUMP, five.
PUR, rather, puro.
PURDEB, m., purity.
PWMP, m., pump.
PWYS, m., pound. weight.
PWYSIG, important.
PYDEW, m., well, pit.
PYSGODYN, m., fish.
PYSGOTA, to fish.
PYSGOTWR, m., fisherman.
PYTHEFNOS, f., fortnight.
RUBAN, m., ribbon.
RUDDFAN, see gruddfan.
RYDD, 3 sg. pres., fr. rhoddi.
RHAFF, f., rope.
RHAG, lest.
RHAGDDO, forward.
RHAGDDOR, m., small outer door
RHAGRITHIOL, hypocriticall.
RHAGOR, superior, more.
RHAI, some.
RHAID, m., necessity.
RHAIN = y rhai hyn, those.
RHAN, f., part; O RAN, as for.
RHEDEG, to run.
RHEGU, to curse, to swear.
RHEOI., f., rule.
RHESWM, m., reason.
RHEW, m. frost.
RHEWLLYD, frosty .
RHIFO, to count.
RHIFYN, m., number.
RHIN, RHINWEDD, f., virtue, charm.
RHISGL, m. bark of a tree.
RHODD, f., gift.
RHODDI, to give.
RHOF, 1 sg. pres., rhoddi.
RHOLIO, to roll.
RHUFAIN, f., Rome.
RHUO, to roar.
RHUTHRO, to rush.
RHWNG, between.
RHWYF, f., oar.
RHWYFWR, m., oarsman.
RHWYMO, to bind.
RHWYSTRO, to hinder.
RHYDD, free.
RHYDD, 3 sg. pres., rhoddi.
RHYDDHAU, to set free.
RHYDDID, m., freedom.
RHYFEDD, wonderful. strange
RHYFEDDU. to wonder.
RHYFEL, f., war.