Tudalen:Yn y Wlad.pdf/129

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

GORTHRECHOL, oppressive.

GORWEDDLE, f., resting-place.

GRAENUS, of good grain.

GRIS, m., step.

GRUG, m., heather.

GWARAFUN, to grudge.

GWARCHODLU, m., garrison.

GWAREIDDIO, to civilize.

GWEFREIDDIO, to thrill.

GWEIRGLODD. f., meadow.

GWENYNEN, f., bee.

GWEP, f., face.

GWERINOL, democratic.

GWLEIDYDDIAETH, f., politics.

GWLITHLAW, m., drizzle.

GWRIDO, to blush.

GWREGYS, m., belt.

GWYDDEL, m., Irishman.

GWYLEIDD-DRA, m., modesty.

GWYNGALCHU, to whitewash.

GWYRDDLESNI, m., verdure.

GWYRYFON, f. pl., virgins.

HALOG, polluted.

HEDDGEIDWAD, m., policeman.

HENDAID, m., great grandfather.

HERCIAN, to wobble.

HESBEN Y GLWYD, the hasp of

the gate.

HIRHOEDLOG, longlived.


HOGLANC, m., stripling.

HUD, m., charm.

HUDOLUS, alluring..

HULIO, to deck.

HUNELL, f., nap.

HYDREF, m., autumn, October.

HYNAFIAETHWR, m., antiquary.

IACHUSRWYDD, m., healthiness.

LARTSWYDD, J. pl., larches.

LLAETHWEN, milky white.

LLAFN, m., blade.

LLANNERCH, f., open space.

LLECHWRAIDD, skulkingly.

LLEDNEISRWYDD, m., modesty.

LLEDRITH, m., magic.

LLEIDIOG, muddy.

LLESMAIR, m., swoon.

LLETHR, f., slope.

LLOERGAN, m., moonlight.

LLUS, m., bilberries.

LLWYDNOS, f., evening.

LLWYDREW, m., hoar-frost.

LLWYFAN, m., platform.

LLYS, m., court.

MACHLUD, m., sunset.

MALIO, to care.

MANGRE, f., spot.


MASNACHOL, commercial.

MASARN, f., sycamore.

MAWNOG, f., peat-bog.

MEILLION, m. pl., clover.

MORFA, f., moor.

MURDDYN, m., ruin.

MURMUR, m., murmur.

MWSOGL, m., moss.

MYFYRGAR, studious.

MYGYSLEN, f., cigarette.

MYNACH, m., monk.

NADGANU, to wail.

NAWSEIDDIO, to soften.

NOETHLWM, exposed.

NWYFUS, spirited.

ORIADURWR, m., watchmaker.

ORIG, f., little while.

PALMWYDD, f. pl., palm trees.

PARABLUS, loquacious.

PATRIARCHAIDD, patriarchal.

PELYDR, m., ray.

PERAROGL, m., fragrance.

PERSONDY, m., parsonage.

PERTH, f., bush.

PERSAWR, of fine taste.

PLWYFOLION, m. pl., parishioners.

PLYGEINIOL, very early.

PINWYDDEN, f., pine tree.

PORI, to graze.