Breuddwydion Myfanwy/Geirfa

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Ymarferiadau ar y Gwersi Breuddwydion Myfanwy

gan Elizabeth Mary Jones (Moelona)


Acsion (f.) auction, sale
adfeddiannu to regain
adnewyddu to renew
addurniadau (m. pl.) ornaments
ael (f.) eyebrow, slope (of a hill)
aeron (f. pl.) berries
afiaith (m.) enjoyment
aflonyddwch (m.) disturbance
agen (f.) chink
angen (m.) necessity, need
anghrediniol unbelieving
ais (f. pl.) ribs
alltud (m.) exile
amnaid (f.) sign
amneidio to make a sign
amrwd raw
amynedd (m.) patience
annaearol unearthly
annealladwy un-understandable, incomprehensible
antur (f.) adventure
anturiaeth (f.) adventure
anurddo to spoil, to deface
anwar uncivilised
anwariaid (m. pl.) barbarians
anwybod (m.) unconsciousness
anymwybodol unconscious
arbed to spare, to save
arcêd (f.) arcade
archadeiladydd (m.) architect
archwaeth (f.) appetite
arlunydd (m.) painter
asur azure
awchus greedily, eagerly
awgrym (f.) suggestion
Barbaraidd barbaric
basddwr (m.) shallow water
bau (m.) bay
beiddio to dare
berw (m.) turmoil
bisciau (f. pl.) biscuits
blawd (m.) flour
brawychus terrified, terrifying
bref (f.) bleat
bregus frail
breichled (f.) bracelet
brigau (m. pl.) twigs, tops of trees
brodorion (m. pl.) natives
brwdfrydedd (m.) enthusiasm
bryncyn (m.) hillock
bwriad (m.) intention
bwrlymu bubbling
bwyell (f.) hatchet, axe
byddarol deafening
bygwth to threaten
bywioliaeth (f.) living, livelihood
bywyn (m.) kernel, pith
Cadwyn (f.) chain
cain beautiful, fine
caledi (m.) hardship
camlas (f.) canal
canig (f.) a little song
cefnder (m.) cousin (boy)
ceryddu to chide, to punish
cist (f.) chest
clôs (m.) enclosure, yard
clwstwr (m.) cluster
clystrau (m. pl.) clusters
cnwd (m.) crop
coeth pure, elegant
cofrestrydd (m.) registrar
corfannau (m. pl.) metrical feet
corwynt (m.) hurricane
cotwm (m.) cotton
crasu to bake, to air (clothes)
crefft (f.) profession, trade
cregyn (f. pl.) shells
crochan (m.) cauldron
croesaw (m.) welcome
crombil (m.) gizzard, heart, bowels (figuratively)
crud (m.) cradle
crwban (m.) turtle
cydradd equal
cydymdeimlad (m.) sympathy
cyfaddas suitable
cyfamod (m.) pact, agreement
cyfandir (m.) continent
cyfarwyddid (m.) direction, guidance
cyfnewidiadau (m. pl.) changes
cyfnither (f.) cousin (girl)
cyfnos (m.) twilight
cyfran (f.) share
cyfrinach (f.) secret
cyhydedd (m.) equator
cylchynion (m. pl.) surroundings, environment
cymell to persuade
cymhelri (m.) tumult
cynhyddu to increase
cynhyrfus agitated
cynllun (m.) plan, scheme
cynnal to support, to maintain
cynneu to light (a fire, a candle, etc.)
cyrchu to fetch, to approach
cysegredig sacred
cyson constant, consistent
cwrel (m.) coral
cwta short, abrupt-ly
Chwalu to scatter
chwyfio to wave
chwyrn rapid
chwyrnllif current
chwys perspiration
Darganfod to discover
darganfyddwr (m.) discoverer
deheuig deftly, neatly
delfryd (f.) ideal
dellten (f.) splinter, lath
deniadol attractive
diamddiffyn helpless
dibriod unmarried
dibynnu to depend
didalent ordinary, stupid
didrugaredd unmerciful-ly
diferu dripping
diffeithwch (m.) desert, jungle
digywilydd unashamed
dihysbydd inexhaustible
diobaith without hope
direidus mischievous
dirwyn to wind
disychedu to allay thirst
diynni without energy
drwm-ddelw (f.) drum-idol
düwch (m.) blackness
dwrn (m.) fist
dyfais (f.) invention
dyfalbarhad (m.) perseverance
dygn painfully, with determination
dyheu to yearn
dylanwad (m.) influence
dyletswydd (f.) duty
dymchwelyd to upset
dyrysu to become affected in one's reason
Edmygedd (m.) admiration
egniol energetic
ehangder (m.) expanse
eiddgar eagerly
eiddo (m.) belongings, goods
enbydrwydd (m.) peril
enfys (m.) rainbow
ewyn (m.) foam
Ffafriol favourable
ffiaidd loathsome
ffiol (f.) bowl
fflangell (f.) whip, lash
ffodus lucky
ffroen (f.) nostril
ffrwyn (f.) bridle, leash
ffurf (f.) form
ffurfafen (f.) sky
Galanastra (m.) destruction
garddwrn (m.) wrist
gefell (m.) twin
gefeilliaid (m. pl.) twins
genedigol native
glanio to land
gwgoneddu glorious, magnificent
gwledd (f.) feast
golud (m.) wealth
gorwel (m.) horizon
gorymdaith (f.) procession
graddol gradually
graenus of good grain
gwahoddedigion (m. pl.) guests
gwallgof insane
gwaneg (f.) wave, billow
gwaredigaeth (f.) deliverance
gwarthaf (ar eu) upon them
gwartheg (f. pl.) cattle
gwddfdorch (f.) necklace
gweddaidd decently
gweddillion (m. pl.) remains
gweddol fairly
gwegil (f.) nape of neck
gweini to serve, to wait at table
gwelw pale
gwersyll (m.) camp
gwg (m.) frown
gwiail (f.) twigs, rods
gwingo to wriggle
gwledda to feast
gwregys (m.) belt
gwrysg (f. pl.) stalks
gwydn tough
gwylio to watch
gwylltio to fly into a passion
gwylltu to hurry
gwyro to bend, to slope
Hamddenol leisurely
helbul (m.) trouble
helynt (m.) condition, bother, fuss
hidl copiously
hinsawdd (f.) climate
hoen (m.) vigour
hudol enchanting
hwyrfrydig reluctant, loath
hylif (m.) liquid
hyll ugly, hideous
hyrddio to hurl
hysbysiad (m.) advertisement, notice
Iet (f.) gate
irgoed (f. pl.) green trees
Lapio to wrap
liana (m.) a plant that winds round trees in the tropical forests
lôn (f.) lane
Llafurus laborious
llain (f.) patch, piece, long slip
llannerch (f.) glade
llanw (m.) tide
llathen (f.) a yard measure
lledorwedd reclining
llesmair (f.) trance
llethr (m.) slope
llewych (m.) brightness
llid (m.) anger, wrath
llif (m.) flood, saw
llithio to entice
llithrig slippery
lluniaidd graceful
llwythau (m. pl.) tribes
llwythi (m. pl.) loads
llyfn smooth
llyfrgell (f.) library
llyfu to lick
llymarch (m.) oyster
Maethlon nourishing
manwydd (m. pl.) brushwood, twigs
masnachwr (m.) merchant
medr (m.) ability
meddal soft
miliwnydd (m.) millionaire
miniog sharp
môrgi (m.) shark
mwrthwl (m.) hammer
mwsogl (m.) moss
Neint, nentydd (f. pl.) streams
nwyddau (m. pl.) goods
Ochain to groan, groaning
ochenaid (f.) sigh
ofergoeledd (m.) superstition
Paradwysaidd very beautiful, like paradise
peiriant (m.) machine
pellafoedd (m. pl.) distances
penbleth (m.) fix, perplexity
pendant definite
penrhyn (m.) cape
perarogl (m.) perfume
persain euphonious
petruso to hesitate
pilyn (m.) garment
pistyll (m.) spout, cataract
planhigyn (m.) plant
porffor purple
porthladd (m.) harbour
posibilrwydd (m.) possibility
pryder (m.) anxiety, worry
profiad (m.) experience
prysgwydd (m. pl.) brushwood
purion alright, good
pyllog full of pools
Rhibyn (m.) reef
rhigwm (m.) rhyme
rhugl fluently
rhyfygus presumptuous, acting like fools
Sain (f.) sound
sawr (m.) smell
seibiant (m.) rest, respite
si (f.) murmur
simsan fragile, rickety
sionc lithe, nimble
sisial to whisper
sudd (m.) juice
sylweddol substantial
syniad (m.) idea
Tabwrdd (m.) drum
talp, telpyn (m.) lump, big piece
tannau (m. pl.) strings (of a musical instrument)
tarddell (f.) source
terfysg (m.) noise, commotion
trai (m.) ebb
trofannau (m. pl.) tropics
trymaidd heavy
trysorau (m. pl.) treasures
turio to dig, to root up
twr (m.) tower
twrr (m.) crowd, large number
tybio to guess
tyddyn (m.) small farm
Unol, yn unol â united, according to
unos for one night
urddas (m.) dignity
Weithion now
Ynghudd concealed
ymbalfalu to grope
ymborth (m.) food
ymchwil (m.) search
ymddiddan (m.) conversation
ymfudo to emigrate
ymgynghori to talk over, to discuss
ymledu to become broader
ysgarmes (f.) skirmish
ysgytiad (m.) shaking
ysigo to crush, to sprain
ystumiau (f. pl.) gestures
ystyllen (f.) plank, board


Encore eto
De l'eau dŵr
S'il vous plaît os gwelwch yn dda
Mon Dieu ! O Dduw! (lit. Fy Nuw.)
Chère petite orpheline annwyl amddifad fach
L'arbre à pain y Pren Bara
Une huître llymarch

FlennyFfordd Ynysoedd Môr y De o ddywedyd "plenty"

Mary fellowFfordd Ynysoedd Môr y De o ddywedyd gwraig neu ferch
