Neidio i'r cynnwys

Teulu Bach Nantoer/Geirfa

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Pennod XIV Teulu Bach Nantoer

gan Elizabeth Mary Jones (Moelona)



Wedi ei threfnu er hwylustod i'r plant yn yr ysgol a'r cartref, gyda'r geiriau yn eu ffurf dreigladol, os felly yn y stori, gan W. M. ROBERTS.


GEIRFA (Vocabulary)

NODIAD.-Fe welir fod llawer o'r geiriau yn yr Eirfa yn eu ffurf dreigladol, fel ag y maent yn y stori. Diau y bydd hyn yn hwylustod i lawer, gan mai ychydig o blant sy'n ddigon hyddysg yn y Gymraeg i droi at y gair yn ei ffurf wreiddiol. Os na fydd gair yn ymddangos yn ei ffurf dreigladol yn yr Eirfa, gellir cymryd yn ganiataol mai yn ei ffurf wreiddiol y mae.

ANSODDEIRIAU A RHAGFERFAU.-Gan na ellir dweud oddi wrth ei ffurf (yn y Gymraeg) pa un ai ansoddair ynteu berf ydyw gair, rhaid i'r berthynas a ddeil gyda rhan o frawddeg, sylweddair, berf. neu ansoddair cyfagos, benderfynu'r pwnc. Ceir fod rhagferf a lythrennir yn unfath ag ansoddair, yn cael ei rhag- flaenu mewn brawddeg gan y gair yn. Os na fydd gradd cpv, eq, neu sv, yn gysylltiedig ag ansoddair, deëllir ei fod yn y Radd Gysefin (Positive).

BYRFODDAU (Abbreviations)

a . . . adjective . . . ansoddair.
adv . . . adverb . . . rhagferf.
cpv . . . comparative degree of adjective . . . gradd gymharol.
eq . . . equative degree of adjective . . . gradd gyfartal.
nm . . . Noun masculine . . . sylweddair gwrywol.
f . . . feminine . . . benywol.
nf . . . Noun feminine . . . sylweddair benywol.
np . . . noun plural . . . enw lliosog.
p . . . plural . . . lluosog.
P . . . page . . . tudalen.
prep . . . preposition . . . arddodiad.
pn . . . pronoun . . . rhagenw.
pt . . . past tense . . . amser gorffennol.
rf . . . radical form . . . ffurf wreiddiol.
S . . . singular . . . unigol.
sf . . . singular feminine . . .
sm . . . singular masc. . . .
sv . . . superlative degree of adjective . . . gradd eithafol.
v . . . verb . . . berf.

ACHUBWYD, v saved (pt.)
ADEGAU, np season (sg adeg).
ADDURN, n ornament.
ADDYSG, n education.
AELWYD, nf hearth.
AGORAIS, v (1) opened (prt).
ANGAU, n death.
ANGHYSBELL, a remote.
ALLU, n power; rf gallu.
ALLWEDD, nf key.
ANAML, ady seldom.
ANERCHIAD, n address.
ANRHYDEDD, n honour.
ANWYBODUS, a ignorant.
ARDAL, nf neighbourhood.
ARHOLIAD, n examination.
ARIAN, a (in this case, p 3), silver; (p. 60, it is a noun, and means wealth or money).
AROGL, n smell, scent.
ARWYR, np heroes; sq arwr.
ASTUD, adv attentively, diligently.
AWCHUS, adv eagerly.
BACH (p. 39, line 19), n hook.
BAE (mûr-gilfach),n bay.
BARN, n judgment.
BASTAI, n pie (rf pastai)
BELYDRAU, np rays, beams (rf, sq pelydr).
BENBLETH, nf perplexity (rf penbleth).
BENDERFYNIAD, n determination (rf penderfyniad).
BENTAN, n hob (rf pentan).
BENTHYG, n loan.
BEUDY, n cow-house.
BODDI, v drown(ed), (pt).
BREF, nf bleat.
BREICHIAU, np arms (sq braich).
BRENNAU, np timber (rf, sg pren).
BRWDFRYDIG, a enthusiastic.
BRYD, n time (rf pryd);HEN BRYD, high time.
BRYDERUS, adv (in this case, p. 5), anxiously (rf pryderus).
BWRLYMAI v bubbled (pt).
BWTHYN, nf cottage.
BYCHAN, a small.
BYW (I'R a quick last line p. 62).
BYWOLIAETH, nf a living, livelihood.
CALANGAEAF, n Allhallowtide,
Allsaints (November 1st, the period when, in some districts, servants are engaged).
CAMWEDD, n wrong, transgression, iniquity.
CAREDIG, a kind.
CEFNU, v to turn their backs (p. 21), return.
CENEDL, n nation.
CERBYD, n carriage.
CERYDD, n rebuke, reproof.
CLAWDD, n fence, dyke, hedge.
CLOD, n praise.
CLWYD, n gate (n this sense, p. 32) South Wales; Llidiart is the word used in N. Wales for gate, clwyd being used for "roost."
CNOI, v chewing.
CRIBINIAU, np rakes (sg cribin see rhaca).
CROESO, n welcome.
CURAIS (I) knocked (pt).
CWR, n corner, spot.
CYFLE, n opportunity.
CYFREITHIWR, n solicitor, lawyer.
CYNGHORION, np advice, counsel (s cyngor).
CYMDOGION, np neighbours (s cymydog).
CYMRU n Wales.
CYMRY, np Welshmen (sg Cymro)
CYNHAEAF, n harvest.
CYNNAR, a early.

CYSEGREDIG, a sacred, consecrated.
CHOL, n lap (rf côl).
CHROEN, nf (f in this case), skin (rf croen).
CHWEDL, nf story, fable, tale.
CHWIBANU, v whistling.
CHWILIO, v to search.
CHWYRN, adv (in this case, p. 29), rapidly, swiftly.
CHYFEIRIAD, n direction (rf cyfeiriad).
CHYFLWYNO, v to present (rf cyflwyno).
DAFLOD, nf loft, attic (rf taflod).
DAETHAI v came (pt.)
DAGRAU, np tears (sg deigryn).
DEBYCED, a, eg. d. how like.
DEDWYDDWCH, n happiness.
DEGAN, n toy (rf tegan).
DEDDF, n law, ordinance.
DEITHIO, v travelling (rf teithio).
DIBYNNU, v rely, depend.
DIDRAI a unfailing.
DIDDORDEB, n interest.
DIDDOS, a snug.
DIHUNAIS, v (I) awoke (pt).
DILYNWN, pv (we) follow (sg dilynaf).
DIODDEF, v to suffer.
DIOSGWYD, v stripped, taken off
DISGYNNAI, descended (pt).
DISTAW, a silent.
DIREIDI, n mischievousness.
DIYSGOG, a immovable, firm.
DLYSNI, n beauty (rf tlysni).
DRAETH, n shore, (rf traeth).
DWYS, a serious, grave.
DYFALU, V conjecturing.
DYNER, adv. (in this case),
tenderly (rf tyner).
DYRNU, v to thresh.
DDAMWAIN, n accident (rf damwain).
DDARLLEN, v reading (rf darllen).
DDEWRED, a eq.d. as brave (rf dewred).
DDIBETRUS, adv unhesitatingly (rf dibetrus).
DDIOFAL, a careless (rf diofal).
DDISTAW, adv (in this case, p. 3),
quietly (rf distaw).
DDIWYD, a industrious, diligent (rf diwyd).
DDWYS, adv seriously (rf dwys).
EDRYCHIAD, n look.
EDRYCHODD, v looked (pr).
EGLURHAD, n explanation.
EGWYDDORION, np principles (s egwyddor).
EHANGDER, n expanse.
EILIW, n reflection.
EIRWIR, a truthful (rf geirwir).
EISTEDDAI, V sat (pt).
EITHIN, np gorse (s eithinen).
ENNILL, v carn.
ERAILL, p pn others (s arall).
ERFIN, np turnips (s erfinen).
ESBONIO, v explain.
esmwythfainc, n sofa.
FAE, n bay (rf bae).
FELYSION, np sweets (rf melysion; s melysen).
FEN FAWR, nf a big coach (adv comes first in Eng.); (rf men).
FERWI, v to boil (rf berwi).
FIN, n edge or side (rf min).
FIRI, n pleasure, excitement, rush (rf miri).
FLWYDDYN, n year (rf blwyddyn).
PODDI, v drowning (rf boddi).
FORD, nf table (rf bord).
FORDAITH, nf voyage srf mordaith).
FOR-FORWYN, nf mermaid (rf môr-forwyn).

FREUDDWYD, myf nfm dream (rf breuddwyd.
FUWCH, nf cow (rf buwch).
FWRDD, n board (ship) (rf bwrdd).
FYFYRIO, v musing, medtating (rf myfyrio).
FYNNU, v to will, insist (rf mynnu).
FFAELEDDAU, np failings, faults (s ffaeledd).
GADAWAI'R TYMOR EI OL, the season left its mark.
GAEAF, n winter.
GARUAIDD, adv kindly, lovingly (rf caruaidd).
GARW, a rough.
GEGIN, nf kitchen (rf cegin).
GENLLIP, n torrent, flood (rf cenllif).
GERBYDAU, np vehicles, carriages (rf cerbydau; s cerbyd).
GERFIO, v carved (rf cerfio).
GIST, n chest (to keep things in) (rf cist).
GLAS, a blue.
GLYD, a comfortable (rf clyd).
GLOG, nfm cloak, mantle (rf clôg).
GOLWG, nmf sight, view.
GORCHUDD, n cover(ing).
GORCHYMYN, nf instruction, command.
GORWEL, nf horizon.
GORWEDD, v lying (down).
GRAFANGAU, np claws, clutches (rf crafangau, s crafanc).
GRAFF, adv intently, keenly (rf craff).
GRAWN, n grain.
GREFFT, nf trade, handicraft (rf crefft).
GRUG, n heather.
GWAITH, n work.
GWALLGOFI, v insane, distracted.
GWDDF, n throat, neck.
GWEDD, nf appearance.
GWEINI, V attending, serving.
GWENAI, v smiled (ptf).
GWELLT, np straw (s gwelltyn).
GWISO, nf dress, clothing.
GWLAD, nf country.
GWOBRWYON, np prizes (s gwobr).
GLAW, n rain.
GWRANDEWAIS, v I listened (pr).
GWYCHION, a fine, gay (s gwych).
GWYLIAU, np holiday (s gŵyl).
GWYLIO, v to watch.
GWYNGALCHU, v whitewashing.
GWYNT, n wind.
GYFARWYDD, a acquainted (rf cyfarwydd).
GYFIEITHU, v translate (rf cyfieithu).
GYFNEWIDIAD, n change (rf cyfnewidiad.
GYFRWNG, n means, by means of (rf cyfrwng).
GYFFES, nf confession (rf cyffes).
GYFFYRDDDIAD, n touch, contact (rf cyffyrddiad).
GYHYD, a and adv so long (rf cyhyd).
GYMERIADAU, np characters (rf cymeriadau, s cymeriad).
GYNHARACH, cp earlier (rf cynarach).
GYNWYS, n contents (rf cynwys).
GYNTAF, a first (rf cyntaf).
GYSURUS, a comfortable (rf cysurus).
GYSYLLTIAD, nf connection (rf cysylltiad).
NGHYFEILLION, np friends (rf cyfeillion; s cyfaill).
NGWEDD, n appearance (rf gwedd).

HAFAL, a like, eqqual.
HANWYLIAID, np beloved ones (rf anwyliaid; s anwylyn).
HARDAL, n neighbourhood (rf
HEDD, n peace.
stacks ((s helm, tâs).
HELMAU (teisi, N. Wales), np
HENO, adv to-night.
HEWYLLYS, nm will, testament (rf ewyllys).
HING, n distress, anguish (rf ing).
HIR, a long.
HIRAETH, n yearning, longing.
HONGIAN, v dangling, hanging.
HOSAN, nf stocking.
HWYL, nf sail (HWYLIO, v sailing).
HWYLBREN, n mast.
HWYR, n evening.
HWYRACH, adv perhaps.
HUAWDLEDD, n eloquence.
HYSGWYDDAU, np shoulders (rf ysgwyddau; s ysgwydd).
IAITH, nf language, tongue.
LECH, nf flagstone, or slate (rf llech).
LETHR, nf slope, declivity (rf llethr).
LOGELL, nf pocket (rf llogell).
LUDDED, nf fatigue (rf lludded).
LUN, n portrait (rf llun).
LUS, np bilberries, whortleberries, also whinberries in some districts (rf llus; s llusen).
LYFNU, v to harrow (rf llyfnu).
LLAM, n leap.
LLANC, n youth, lad.
LLENYDDIAETH, n literature.
LLEWYGU, v faint.
LLU, n flood (in this case, p. 21, the sea, ocean).
LLITHRO, v to slip.
LLONG, nf ship.
LLONNI, to gladden.
LLUSERN, n lantern.
LLYFR, n book.
LLYGATDDU, a dark-eyed.
LLYGAID, np eyes (s llygad);
LLYGATLAS, blue eyes.
MACHLUD HAUL, n sunset.
MADDEUANT, n forgiveness, pardon.
MANGRE, nf place.
MANNAU, np places (s man).
MEDDDIANNAU, np possessions (s meddiant).
MEGIR, v (are) reared (p. 46).
MENYW, nf female.
MHENDERFYNIAD, n decision, determination (rf penderfyniad).
MHRIOD, nmf husband or wife, as the case may be (rf priod).
MINIOG, a keen, sharp.
MODRWY, nf ring.
MODRWYOG, curly.
MORWYN, n maid.
MUD, a dumb.
MURIAU, np walls (s mur).
MWYNHAD, n enjoyment.
MYNNAIS, v I insisted (pt).
MYNWENT, nf churchyard.
NADOLIG, n Christmas.
NANTOER, prop.n Cold-stream, name of house.
NEGES, nf message, errand.
NEWYDD FYND HEIBIO, only just over (or passed).
NITHIO, v winnowing.
NIWL, n fog, mist.
NODEDIG, adv (in this case, p. 5), remarkably.
NOSWEITHIAU np nights (s noswaith).
NWYFUS, a lively, sprightly.

OCHENAID, nf groan, sigh.
ODDI ALLAN, prep outside, without.
OFFER-SAER, np carpenter's tools (s offeryn).
OGED, n harrow.
ORIADURON, пp watches (s oriawr).
ORIAWR, nf watch.
ORSAF, nf station (rf gorsaf).
PECHOD, n sin.
PEIRIANT, n machine (threshing machine).
PERT, a pretty.
PILYN, n garment.
PLADURIAU, np scythes (s pladur).
PLENTYN, n child.
PLWYF, n parish.
PORTHI, v to feed.
PRYSUR, ad diligently.
PHOBLOGAIDD, a popular (rf poblogaidd).
RAMANT, n romance (rf rhamant).
RAWIAU, np spades (rf rhawiau; s
RHACA, np harvest rakes (s rhac, see cribin).
RHAEADR nfm cataract, waterfall.
RHAFFAU, np ropes (s rhaff).
RHEITHOR, n rector.
RHIW, nfm hill, ascent.
RHODDION, np gifts (s rhodd).
RHOS, nf moor.
RHUAI, v roared (pt).
RHUDDAUR, a (in this case, p. 15) ruddy-gold.
RYFEDDOD, 7 Wonder (rf rhyfeddod).
SACHAID, nf sackful.
SEIBIANT, leisure.
SERTH, a steep.
SIMNE, na chimney.
SIOMEDIG, a disappointed
SIRIOL, adv (in this case), cheerfully).
SWYDDFA, nf office.
SWYNION, np charms (s swyn).
SYLWEDD, n substance.
SYLLODD, v gazed (pt).
SYNNU, V wondered (pt).
THALCEN, n forehead (rf talcen).
THLYSNI, n beauty (rf tlysni).
TAN, n fire.
TAS, nf stack.
TEGAN, n toy.
TEGELL, n kettle.
TERPYN, n end, close, boundary.
TEULU, n family.
TONNOG, a wavy.
TOSTURIWCH, v imper (you) pity.
TORRI (v) ERFIN (n) literally, cutting turnips; generally known as turnip-pulping.
TORRI (v) GWELLT (n) literally, cutting straw; generally known as chaff-cutting.
TRAETH, n shore.
TREULIASOM, V (we) spent (pt).
TRISTAU, v to sadden, to grieve.
TROCHI, v bathe, dip, immerse.
TROWR, n winder, twister.
TRWSIADUS, a well-dressed.
TYDDYN, n tenement, holding.
TYWYS, np ears (of corn), (s tywysen).
UFUDD a obedient.
UNDONOG, a monotonous.
UNIG, a alone, lonely.
UNLLIW, a of the same colour.
WADODD, v denied (rf gwadodd, pt).
WARIO, v to spend (rf gwario).
WAU, v knitting (rf gwau).
WEDDW, nf widow (rf gweddw).
WELY, ni bed (rf gwely).

WENITH, np wheat (rf gwenith; s gwenithen.
IWERYDD, n Atlantic.
WNIO, V sewing (rf gwniio).
WRTHWYNEBAI, v objected opposed, pt (rf gwrthwynebai).
WYLLT, a wild (rf gwyllt.
WYN EU BYD (YNI, blessed (rf gwyn).
YFORY, adv to-morrow.
YMA adv here.
YMESTYNNAI, v stretched (pt).
YMFFROSTIO, v to boast.
YMGEISYDD (n) SENEDDOL (a) Parliamentary Candidate.
YMLWYBRO, y wending his way.
YMSERCHAIS, v I doted (pt).
YSGLOD(ION), np chips (s ysglodyn).
YSGUBAU, np sheaves (s ysgub).
YSGUBOR, n barn.
YSTAFELL, n room.
YSTOL, n stool.
YSTOR, n abundance, stock.


GEIRFA (Vocabulary)

COMMMUNICATE, v gohebu (ysgrifennu).
CHILDREN, np plant (s child).
DEAR (p. 21), a annwyl.
DISCLOSE, v amlygu.
GIRLS, np merched (s girl).
IMPORTANCE,n pwysig, o bwys.
KINDLY, adv garediced.
LETTER, n llythyr.
ONCE, adv unwaith.
REACHES, v cyrhaedda.
SOMETHING, n rhywbeth.

