Yr oedd ganddo ddull arbennig ac effeithiol i godi golygfa o flaen y meddwl a dodi arni hud yr amser a fu. Ceir enghraifft ragorol o hynny yn "The Lady of Shalott":
Willows whiten, aspens quiver,
Little breezes dusk and shiver
Thro' the wave that runs for ever
Flowing down to Camelot.
Four gray walls and four gray towers
Overlook a space of flowers,
And the silent isle embowers
The Lady of Shalott.
Yr oedd ganddo ffordd dda at wneud ei ddisgrif iadau. Mewn llythyr a ddyfynnir yn ei Gofiant, dywedir:
There was a period in my life when, as an artist,—Turner, for instance,—takes rough sketches of landscapes, etc., in order to work them eventually into some great picture, so I was in the habit of chronicling, in four or five words or more, whatever might strike me as picturesque in Nature. I never put these down, and many and many a line has gone away on the north wind, but some remain.
Talodd hyn yn dda iddo, canys y mae camp ar ei ddisgrifiadau, a manyldeb effeithiol. Gellid codi lliaws o enghreifftiau, ond y mae a ganlyn, o'r "Lotus Eaters," yn sampl teg o'i fedr yn y peth hwn: