Spenser yn enwedig osod yr hud a'r ddewiniaeth yn rhywle yn y wlad honno:
Thether the great magician Merlin came,
As was his use, oft-times to visit mee;
For he had charge my discipline to frame,
And tutor's nourriture to over-see.
Him oft and oft I askt in privity,
Of what loins and what lignage I did spring?
Whose aunswere bad me still assured bee,
That I was sonne and heir unto a king,
As Time in her just term the truth to light should bring.
"Well worthy Impe," said then the lady gent,
"And pupil fit for such a tutor's hand;
But what adventure, or what high intent,
Hath brought you hither into Fairy Land,
Aread, Prince Arthure, crowne of martial band."
"Full hard it is," quoth he, "to read aright
The course of heavenly cause, or understand
The secret meaning of the' eternal might,
That rules mens waies, and rules the thoughts of living wight."
Yn y gerdd hon, gwelwn Arthur, "the flowre of grace and nobilesse," a wnaeth fawr ddirmyg ar farchogion pagan, ac a laddodd fil o Sarasiniaid, a chawn hanes y cledd a wnaeth Merddin, ac a alwyd "Morddur" am na thorrai ac na phlygai byth: