ddyfodiad y Saeson, ac yna ymlaen â'r rhamant drachefn. Sonnir am yr "ysgwyd wyrdd" a'r "ysgwyd goch":
How oft that day did fair Brunehildis see
The greene shield dyde in dolorous vermell,
That not scuith guirith it mote seeme to bee
But rather y scuith gogh, signe of sad crueltee.
Yn ei "Eclogues," y mae gan Spenser un ag ynddi gymeriad Cymreig a elwir "Diggon Davie." Yn argraffiad Anderson (1792) o'i weithiau, ceir y rhagymadrodd a ganlyn i'r gerdd honno:
Diggon Davie, a shepherd, complains to his friend Hobbinol of the poverty to which he was reduced by travelling into a far country in hopes of greater gain, and describes the deceitful and profligate lives of the shepherds he had seen, and the wretched condition of their flocks. The author has chosen to write it in older language than the rest, and with a sprinkling of the Welsh dialect. It is probable he had some private reasons for it, and that under the fictitious names were represented real persons.
Geiriau'r golygydd yw'r rhai hyn. Diau fod i'r ymddiddan ryw ystyr hanesyddol, a diddorol fyddai allu ei esbonio. Ond nid oes ynddo ddim "sprinkling of the Welsh dialect." Y mae iaith Diggon Davie" yn fwy henaidd, ag ynddi ar dro fath ar gynghanedd yn null y Saeson, dyna'r