Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Astudiaethau T Gwynn Jones.djvu/99

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

Howel ap Jevah came from Matraval
Where he by chaunce han slain a noble's sonne
And now was come to fyghte at Harold's call,
And in the battel he much goode han done;
Unto Kyng Harold he fought mickle near,
For he was yeoman of the bodie guard;
And with a target and a fyghting spear,
He of his boddie han kepte watch and ward,
True as a shadowe to a substant thynge,
So true he guarded Harold his good Kynge.

But when Egelred tumbled to the grounde,
He from Kynge Harold quickly did advaunce,
And stroke de Tracie thilke a crewel wounde,
Hys harte and lever came out on the launce.
And then retreated for to guard hys Kynge,
On dented launce he bore the harte awaie;
An arrow came from Auffroie Griel's strynge,
Into hys heele betwixt hys yron staie;
The grey-goose pynyon, that thereon was sett,
Eftsoons with smokyng crymson bloud was wett.
Hys bloud at this was waxen flaminge hotte,
Without adoe he turned once agayne,
And hytt de Griel thilke a blowe, God wote,
Maugre hys helme, he splete hys head in twayne.
And like a useless weede amonge the haie,
Amonge the sleine warriours Griel laie.

Disgrifir y frwydr fel hyn, mewn llinellau ystwyth a chyffelybiaethau beiddgar, rai ohonynt wedi eu benthyca, y mae'n wir, o'r clasuron, a chyn hir, down at farwolaeth Howel ap Jevah: