Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Bywgraffiad y diweddar barchedig T. Price.djvu/173

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

on the occasion of the leave—taking of the Rev. Dr. Price. Addresses were made by the Rev. Mr. Thomas, Pa.; the Rev. R. Edwards, Pottsville, Pa. (both of whom had come from their homes to bid Dr. Price farewell); the Rev. Fred E. Evans, late of Hyde Park, Pa., recently appointed pastor of the Laight Street Baptist Church of this City; Messrs. John T. Davies, Henry Lussey, and William B. Jones. Dr. Price returns in the City of Brussels to day, after a sojourn of several months in this Country, during which time he has travelled through most of the States, South and West. His letters to his Paper in Wales—The Star of Wales—have been full of interest, giving his impression of matters and things in America; and he returns with enlarged views and more comprehensive knowledge of the greatness and future prosperity of this Country. Dr. Price, in the course of his remarks, condemned severely the judiciary system, but expressed his belief that this, as well as some other undesirable things, will gradually be rectified. He especially censured the apathy with which the better class of citizens allow political and municipal affairs to be regulated by too many inefficient and unworthy persons. But upon the whole he felt convinced that these things, which he regards as inevitable in a young country, will gradually pass away."

"Mae Ap P. A. Mon a Dr. Price wedi cyfarfod â'u gilydd yn awr yn ngwlad y gân. Daeth amryw i'w weled yn yr agerlong ar y 4ydd o Ragfyr, 1869. Dymunwyd iddo ef ac Emily fordaith gysurus a dyogel, a chawsant hi. Cyrhaeddasant Liverpool ar y 13eg ac Aberdar ar y 15fed, a chafodd dderbyniad tywysogaidd i'w hen gartref: yr oedd Aberdar i gyd yn fyw o roesaw iddo, ac aeth fel brenin yn cael ei foli gan y miloedd i'r Rose Cottage.

"Yr oedd ganddo barch mawr i America, a meddyliai yn uchel am ei hysgolion, ei hathrofeydd, a'i heglwysi. Hauodd had da yn yr Unol Dalaethau, ac ni hauodd yn ofer."



"Yn mis Mehefin yn y flwyddyn 1869, yr oedd Dr. Price yn Lewisburg. Ei amcan yn dyfod yno yr amser hwnw ydoedd cael golwg ar symmudiadau pethau yn Ngholeg Lewisburg yn ystod y Commencement Week, ac hefyd i gael gweled llu mawr iawn o bob rhan o'r wlad, er ffurfio adnabyddiaeth â hwynt, a gwneyd amcan ei ymweliad â'r wlad yn adnabyddus iddynt. Yr oedd yr amcan hwnw ganddo yn mhob