
Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

Ifans. "We've tried to give him the best we could, but with so little money coming in . . . "

"Yes, I know, Mr. Evans, I know. on for two years now, has'nt it? long, I don't know."

"Oh, we've had a lot of help. been very kind to us."

"The strike has dragged How you've stuck it so

People everywhere have

You're brave

"And you deserve every penny you get. folk, very brave. It's a pity the children have to suffer, though. Your Doctor Roberts was here the other day, and he was very worried about that. Grand fellow, isn't he?"

"Yes, indeed. A good man, Doctor Roberts is."

Well, we'll do our very best for your boy, Mr. Evans. I thought it better to warn you that it's not going to be easy. You see, the rheumatic trouble has affected his heart, I'm afraid. When he gets better he'll have to be careful for a long time. Have you got anywhere where he could go from here for a while, somewhere where he can have good food and the right atmosphere, away from the strike and all the bad feeling it brings with it?"

'Well, I don't know. My son down in South Wales . . . "

"What's wrong with my house?" gofynnodd Meri Ann. "Wel, Meri Ann, 'fasa' Martha na finna' ddim yn licio rhoi traffarth . . . "

"Would a few months with me do him any good, Frank?" gofynnodd Meri Ann i'r meddyg, a adwaenai'n dda.

"That would be ideal, I should think," meddai yntau. "And I could keep an eye on him."

"Ond fel y gwyddoch chi, Meri Ann, 'fedren ni ddim . . ."

"Mi faswn i wrth fy modd 'i gael o am dipyn . . .

'Well, I'll leave you to argue it out between you," meddai'r meddyg, gan ysgwyd llaw ag Edward Ifans. Good-bye, Mr. Evans. We'll do all we can for him."

Nid ymddangosai Gwyn gystal y prynhawn hwnnw, ac ni chyffyrddasai â'r danteithion a oedd yn y cwpwrdd. Penderfynodd y tad a'r fam nad aent i'r Ysbyty wedyn yn yr hwyr, rhag ei flino. Cydiodd Gwyn yn dynn â'i ddwy law yn llaw ei fam pan oedd hi ar fin troi ymaith.

"Pam na ddowch chi eto amsar swpar, 'Mam?"

"Y Doctor isio iti orffwys gymaint ag a fedri di, 'ngwas i.