Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon
NOTE.-All Nouns of which the gender is not designated may be takenas masculine.
- A.
- aberth m, sacrifice.
- acen f, accent; also, sound.
- achub to save
- adeiladu to build.
- adgyfodi to rise again.
- adlewyrchu to reflect (light).
- adloniadol recreative
- adsain f, echo.
- addasu to fit.
- aeddfed ripe.
- aethnen i, poplar-tree.
- afiach ill, unwell; also, noxious.
- afiaith f, enjoyment.
- aflonydd unquiet, uneasy. restless.
- agendau clifts.
- ageroeiriant steam-engine.
- agor to open.
- agoshau to approach.
- angen need.
- angherddol intense.
- anghradiniol unbelieving.
- anghyfartal unequal.
- alltud m, exile.
- amaethu to cultivate, to farm.
- amgueddfa f, museum.
- amgyffrediad m, comprehension.
- amgylchiadau circumstances.
- amgylch-ogylch roundabout.
- amlach oftener.
- amryliw many-coloured.
- amrwd raw.
- amser time.
- anarllenadwy unreadable
- anadl f and m, breath.
- anferth monstrous.
- anfoddog morose, unwilling.
- anffodus unfortunate.
- anffortunus unfortunate.
- anawdd difficult.
- anelu to aim.
- anhygoel incredible.
- anial wilderness.
- anifeiliaid animals, beasts.
- annwn the abyss, hell.
- anyddorol uninteresting.
- anobaith m, despair.
- anobeithiol hopeless.
- anhraethol unspeakable.
- ansawdd m, substance.
- anterth meridian.
- aradr f, plough.
- araf slow.
- arbennig peculiar, special.
- archiad command.
- arferol usual, customary.
- arian silver, money; also, coin.
- ariannu to give a silver sheen.
- arlunydd painter.
- arswydo to awe; to fear.
- arswydus fearful.
- aruthr amazing.
- asgellog winged.
- astud studious.
- awch keenness, edge.
- awel f, breeze.