Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Dringo'r Andes.djvu/134

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon
  • bach, hook.
  • baeddu, to maul.
  • bagad, s.f., many, a good number, a lot.
  • balch, proud, glad.
  • banadl, wild broom, genista.
  • bau, bay.
  • bedwlwyn, birchgrove.
  • bendramwnwgl, from pendramwnwgl, head over heels, in confusion.
  • ber, fem. adj., from byr, short.
  • blaen, front.
  • blaguro, to bud.
  • blinder, trouble; also, toil.
  • blewyn, a hair; also, a blade of grass.
  • blewynnu, to lightly graze.
  • blynedd, f a year.
  • bodd, wrth ei fodd, content, to his taste.
  • boddloni, to satisfy.
  • boncyff, slump.
  • bonllef, f, shout.
  • bonwr, rancher, Mr.
  • brain, crows.
  • braf, fine.
  • braint, f, privilege.
  • brasdir, fertile land.
  • brasgamu, to take long strides.
  • bregus, frail, tottering.
  • breuder, brittleness, frailty.
  • briallu, primroses.
  • brifo, v. trans., to hurt, to
  • bruise, brifo, v. intrans.,to ache.
  • brig, branch.
  • britho, to variegate, to peck'e.
  • bro, country.
  • brochus, chafing, blushing.
  • brodorol, native.
  • brwdfrydedd, enthusiasm.
  • brwyn, rushes.
  • brysiog, hasty.
  • budd, profit.
  • bwgan, bogey.
  • bwrw, to throw; also, to
  • bwthyn, cottage.
  • bwystill, beast.
  • bythgofladwy, ever memorable.
  • byrbryd, breakfast.
  • C.
  • cadach, kerchief.
  • cadw, to keep.
  • cadno, fox.
  • caddugawl, gloomy..
  • cae, field.
  • caerau, fortresses, defences.
  • cain, fine, elegant.
  • cafwyd, passive past from cael.
  • calon, f, heart.
  • camgymeriad, mistake.
  • camlas, f, canal.
  • campau, games.
  • campwaith, masterpiece.
  • Camwy, f, The Crooked Water, the river of the Colony.
  • canllaw, f. rail.
  • cannoedd, hundreds.
  • canol, centre, middle.