Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Hanes Porthmadog ei Chrefydd a'i henwogion.djvu/236

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

To the First Interrie, this deponant sayeth that he knows the pties plt and defendants. To the Sixteenth Interrie, this depont sayeth that he was present att and privy to a treaty, or referrence, about two yeres since, at Wrexham, Betweene the Complt and the deft Sr Robert Owen and this depont was a referree therein, and this depont further sayeth, that there were then some heads of a proposed agreement agreed upon, and reduced into writeinge, & to the substance thereof, this depont referrs himselfe to the same, each party as this depont beleives, havainge there had a parte or coppy thereof, and as farr as this depont remembers, each party was to have about a fortnight time of consideracion, to stand or not to stand to the same, and what became thereof or how farr the same was persued, this depont doth not know; but this depont heard, there was an after agreemt made between the said parties, and this depont further sayeth that att the said Treaty the ye possession of severall parcells of Lands or tenemts of the Townshipps of Ghest, and Rhydynog felen, then claymed by the Complt were to the best of this deponts remembrance by the said proposed agreement to be delivered to the Complt by the Attornemt of the tents thereof; and as to severall other parcells then in dispute betweene them, whether Crown Lands or Freehold Lands, it was agreed that a tryall att Law should be had, in the proper County, touchinge the same whether the same were Freehold or Crown Lands and in this deponts apprehension a farr greater parte was agreed to be delivered to the possession of the plt than was referred to the said tryall at Law.

Richard Edwards, of Nanhoron, in the County of Carnarvon, gent. aged two and Fifty—yeares, or thereabouts, produced, and examined, on the said Complts behaulfe, deposeth and sayeth as followeth.

To the thirteenth Interrogatorie, this depont sayeth, that he doth not know, neither doth hee remember, to have heard that any person or persons of estate, in the Counties of Carnarvon or Anglesey hould-