Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Hanes Porthmadog ei Chrefydd a'i henwogion.djvu/237

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

ing and beinge possessed of Lands from the Crown, did att any tyme take uppon them to presume to levye Fines sufferr Recoveries, or to setle such leasehold Lands, with their own inheritance and Freehold to the same uses, But this depont doth remember that one Owen Smith of Carnarvon, or one of his ancestors, beinge but tennant (as this depont conceiveth) to the ancestore of Nicholas Bagenall Esqr of certeyn lands neere Carnarvon Towne, did leavy a Fine, and make a setlemt of the said Mr Bagenall ancestors Lands, with his own Freehold land, the which appeared att a tryall in an Ejectmt brought some few yeares since, by the said Mr Bagenall, against the heir att Law, of the said Owen Smith (or his tennant) wherein a verdict and Judgment was obtained by the said Mr Bagenall or his lessee for the Recoverie of the said premisses.

John Ellis, of Ynyskynhayarne, in the County of Carnarvon, gent. aged sixty seven yeares, or thereabouts, sworne and examined, on the Complts behalfe, sayeth as followeth.

To the first Interrogatorie, this depont sayeth that he knows the parties plt and defts and also knew Sr John Owen, Dame Jenett his wife, and William Owen Esq and their sonne, all now deceased, in their respective life time, and alsoe knew Robert Jones, and Griffith Jones, in that Interrogatorie named, both now alsoe deceased, and knew alsoe Ellin, Penelope, & Margaret Owens, daughters of the Lady Ewres, and Compton Ewres and Sr Sampson Ewres in that Interrogatie named, all now deceased. And this depont further sayeth that he knew the Townshipp of Ghest in the parish of Ynyskynhayarne and hath known the same these fifty yeares.

To the second, this dept sayeth, that he knoweth all the severall Messuages, tenemt and parcells of Land, in the schedule, to the said Interries annexed mencioned and comprised, except, Kae dû alias Kae eithin dûon, Gwairgloddie brwynog, Ynys Goch, and Kae Congol, and alsoe, he knows the house, garden