Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Hanes Porthmadog ei Chrefydd a'i henwogion.djvu/239

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

with the Minister of Penmorva, and others of that parish, which said severall perambulacons began from the church of Penmorva, through the village of Penmorva, to a place called Pwll Goloywlas, and thence, through two little rivolletts to a hill or Green banke, where the Minister and the people, then stood, the Minister, declareinge the river beyond the said banke, to be there the Mears between the parish of Penmorva, and the parish of Ynyskynhayarne, in that parte of the said severall parishes, and this dept sayeth, that there are three cottages, one thereof, was built about fifteene yeares since, as farr as dept remembers, which lye beyond the said river lastly menconed mearinge betweene the said parish of Penmorva, and parish of Ynyskynharne, now in the tenure or occupacon of the dept Anne, her undr tents or assignes, two of which said cottages, and the place where the other is built upon, for about eight or ten yeares together in this depts memory, payd Churchleys, and Easter duties, to the said parish of Ynyskynhayrne, and the inhabitants or occupiers thereof, communicated att the said parish. church of Ynyskynhayrne, but sometimes used to go to Penmorva Church, to heare divine service, the said inhabitants beinge poor, they paid but a small "ley" att a time, a peny or thereabouts, and about 25 or 30 yeares since, they have paid their "leys" and Easter duties, with the said parishe of Penmorva, which said change, or alteracon, was made in the time of Sr John Owen, but by whom, or how obteined, this dept doth not know. And this dept further sayeth, that he about 35 years agoe (as neere as this dept remembers) beinge with his father att Clynenne, the said Lady Owen, brought to his father in her hand a small quantitie of barley, askeinge him, if it was not strange that such small graine grew in the parish of Treflys in a tenemt there called Kae newydd? beinge the said tenemt soe called, and in the said schedule menconed, and asked his said father, whether the said tenemt did not lye in the said parish of Treflys, to which he replyed, that he would not say it lay in the said parish of Treflys,