Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Hanes Porthmadog ei Chrefydd a'i henwogion.djvu/240

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

and this dept further sayeth, that as he went thence alonge home his father speake to him sayeinge, "Doe you observe how they would have Kae newydd to be in the parish of Treflys, to make it Freehold and not Leasehold? thou art a young man, thou mayest live to see it disputed, it is."meaninge Kae Newydd "Leas Lands and lyes, in the townshipp of Ghest, an I have know it belonge to a tenemt in Ghest, called Carreg Wen." and Robert ap William an Griffith Lewis two old men, tould this dept the like att severall times.

To the ninth Interrie, this dept sayeth, that he heard, and beleives that the Lady Ewres made a will and this dept saw a probate, and two Coppies thereof, one with Sr Sampson Ewres her son, and beleives that by the said will she did dispose of the whole Townshippe of Ghest, to her four daughters, Ellin, Penelope, Anne and Margarett Owens, for twenty yeares or thereabout, for the raisinge of porcons for them, and after that term, for two yeares, or thereabouts, to Compton Ewres, and Morris Owen, two of her sons, for the raiseinge of porcons for them, and after the death of Lady Ewres, the said Ellin, Penelope, Anne and Margarett, and after the death of the said Ellin, the said other sisters held and enjoyed, duringe the said term the several Messuages, lands or tenemts in the said schedule menconed called Carreg Vawr, the house and close called Mill Field alias Singrig, the said several Cottages and Gardens menconed to be in the tenure of the said Anne, Gwairglodd y Kefne and the Cottages and Gardens thereto belongeinge, Kefn Perfedd, the tenemt

the tenemt called Ynys hir, Tythyn y Llwyn, Tythyn Adi, Tan yr allte, Llidiart Spyttû, Drws daûgoed, Kae glan yr Afon, Kae Pella, Twyll y Kae, and Borth fechan, which was parte of Carreg Wen, and alsoe as this dept beleives, another tenemt called Drws daugoed Arall, and received the rents, issues and profitts thereof and after the end of their terme, the same was alsoe held and enjoyed by Sr Sampson Ewres, as Admr to the said Compton