Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Hanes Porthmadog ei Chrefydd a'i henwogion.djvu/241

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

Ewres, who survived the said Morris Owen, for about two yeares, and this dept further sayeth that he heard there was some difference betweene the said Sr Sampson Owen, and his said sisters Pendelope, Anne and Margarett, touchinge the said devised Lands, and here the said sisters and the husband of one of them (this dept beinge often with them) complayn against their brother Sr John Owen, because he did not permitt them to hould Kae Newydd, and Tythyn y Borth, and some meadows and other lands pursuant to the said will.

John Roberts, of Cromlech, in the County of Carnarvon, gent, aged 56 years or thereabouts a witnesse produced, sworne and examined on the plts behalfe deposeth as followeth.

To the second Interrie, this dept sayeth, that he knows the severall Messuages, Lands or Tenemts in the schedule menconed, called Tan yr Allte, Kae Glan yr Afon, Gwairglodd y Pwll, beinge parte of a parcell called Ynys hîr, and has known the same for about seven or eight and fortie yeares, now last past, and this dept in the time of the said Lady Owens held, and was tenant to her, of the Moyety of Ynys hîr and this dept grandfather had been thentofore tenant of the whole tenemt called Ynys hîr, and also the Moyety of Tan yr Allte, as he informed this depont which said severall messuages, tenemts or lands for ought this depont ever heard to the contrary, and as he was informed by his grandfather and others, lay in the Townshipp of Ghest, and were always reputed to be Crown Lands, and further, that all taxacons imposed upon the said tenemts held by his grandfather were payd with the parish of Ynyskynhayarne and were not assessed with any other parish. And this dept further sayeth that his father tooke a Lease from Penelope Owen and her sistrs of the said tenemt called Tan yr Allte, for term of yeares, att a certain yearely rent, and payd alsoe, a Fine, or Incomb, to them att the