Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Hanes Porthmadog ei Chrefydd a'i henwogion.djvu/250

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

Kings rent out of Penamser, was and is 3s. 4d. Hee hath been many yeares collector of the King's rent payable as well by the Freeholders as tenants of the Crown Lands within the said Townshipp and did pay the same to the hands of Gruffyth Jones Esqr deceased.

William ap Richard, Gethin of the parish of Ynyskynhayarne yeoman, aged fourescore yeares or thereabouts, examined on the defnendts behaulfes sayeth as followeth.

Hee was borne a Treflys parish and bred there, and in the parish of Ynyskynhayarne and hath heard what is herein before deposed affirmed by severall ancient honest people, the meare that divides the said Freehold Lands from the Crown Lands being a Rivelett that runs from Bwlch y ddwy foel, to y Briddell goch, and from thence to Pistyll y Wern, and from thence to a place called Penrhyn y gwared, and from thence betweene a place called Lletty yr Lelyn (Lletŷ'r Gelyn) and Cae yr hye galed, and thence by Penrhyn y meinlin and thence betweene a meadow called gwairglodd y Borth and gwairglodd Pen y Clogwyn and thence to the sands on the sea side, and this Depont sayeth that there is a Quillet of land in the said meadow called gwairglodd Pen y Clogwyn, the one side whereof a butts uppon the said Riveletts, and the end thereuppon. The sands is also Freehold Lands, and belonged to the said tenemt called Borth.

Cadwallader John Williams of Ynyskynhayarne, yeoman, aged 54 yeares or thereabouts, examined on the defnendts behaulfe, sayeth as followeth.

That the tenemt now called y Garreg Vawr, was formerly called Carreg Wareing, and lieth in the parish of Treflys, which said tenemt was (as one Rowland Robert deceased long since told this depont di 'vers tymes) sould by one of his ancestors to one of the owners of Clenenney, otherwise hee the said Rowland should have enjoyed the same, as heire threof.