Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Hanes Porthmadog ei Chrefydd a'i henwogion.djvu/251

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

Maurice John William of Treflys yeom, aged 48 yeares or thereabouts sayeth as followeth.

To the first Interr, that he knoweth the tenemt called Tythin Adi, and hedge called clawdd Llwyd and Pwll coch, and that hee was about thirtie yeares since informed by antient people that were informed by one Mrs Ellin Owen late of Bronyfoel long since deceased that the said hedge was meare betweene Treflys and Ynyskynhayarne

Henry Owen of Llanvihengell y Traythe, in the County of Meirioneth, yeoman, aged nienty five yeares, and upwards, examined on the said difendts behaulfes, sayeth as followeth.

To the 26th Intererr this dipont sayeth, that hee knoweth the tenemt called Drws daugoed woh has been in the houlding of one Thomas ap Rees, and has knowne the same this threescore yeares and upwards, and further sayeth, that the same was the Lands and inheritance of one Jane v'ch Richard ap Engan, this deponts grandmother, and her ancestors, and who many yeares since was perswaded by one Maurice ap Richard, her second husband, to sell the same to Sr William Maurice, otherwise this depont had been heireof, as heire att Law to the said, Jane his grandmother. But the said tenemt though Freehold lands lyeth in the parish of Ynyskynhayarne and is noe parte of the Crown Lands there.

William Pugh ap Robert of Penmorva, yeoman aged 64 yeares sayeth, that he heard honest people about 50 yeares since, say, that Gwern vilog was formerly a moore and drayned and converted into meadow ground by Sr William Maurice and lies (for ought hee knowes) in Ynyskynhayarne.

Rowland Gruffydd of Llandanog, in the County of Meirioneth, Mason, aged 66 yeares, & Robert Ellis of Gest in the parish of Ynyskynhayarne, husband man