Yr oedd ymadrodd yn y weithred i'r perwyl yma, "Os byddai y capel am ddeuddeng mis heb ddim pregethu ynddo, fod y weithred yn ddirym.” Profwyd fod y capel nid am ddeuddeng mis, ond am chwe' deuddeg, heb ddim pregethu ynddo.
Off.—Nid yw hyny yn wirionedd, —y mae pregethu ynddo bob wythnos.
Meth.—Gan bwy?
Off.—Gan Mr. P, gweinidog y plwyf.
Boneddwr. A gafodd y capel gysegriad esgobawl?
Bonedd. Wel, nid oedd gan Mr. P ddim hawl i bregethu ynddo.
Yna gofynodd i Mr. P, "A fyddwch chwi yn pregethu yn y capel?" Mr. P. Na fyddaf, syr, ond mi fyddaf yn darllen pennod yn y cwrdd gweddi weithiau, ac yn esbonio.
Meth.—Mae y lease yn gofyn hyny yn ychwanegol at bregethu, a hòni yr ydym mai nid y naill yw y llall.
Bonedd., wrth y Methodistiaid.—A ydych chwi yn cymeryd mantais o'r ymadrodd (clause) yna i dori y lease?
Meth.—Yr ydym yn cyflwyno yr achos yn hollol i chwi, syr, ac ni a ymfoddlonwn i'ch penderfyniad chwi, pa beth bynag fyddo.
Bonedd.—Wel, ynte, mi a roddaf fy marn, ond nid ar air yn awr, ond mewn ysgrif, ac mi a anfonaf gopi i'r ddwy-blaid.
Fe fu y gŵr boneddig gystal a'i air, ac anfonodd at y Parch. D. Meyler, ei farn mewn ysgrifen. Rhoddwn adysgrif o hono isod, yn yr iaith yr ysgrifenwyd ef, ac er mwyn y Cymro uniaith, ni a roddwn ei dalfyriad o hono yn Gymraeg.
At the urgent request of several persons, I have carefully and impartially examined the covenants of the lease granted for the use of the above Meeting House, and I have endeavoured to procure every possible information from parties presumed to be acquainted with the original intentions of the donor. I am of opinion that the lease was granted for the benefit of certain ordained ministers who have seceded from the church on account of episcopal censure, from presumed irregularities of discipline. Now it is well known that when this secession took place (towards the close of the last century), a large body of the laity sympathized with their ministers, considering the conduct of their episcopal rules harsh and unwarranted; and I have the best reasons for believing that the original donor of the lease, Mrs. Mary Lloyd, belonged to this body. I do now think, from the tenor of the lease, that this Meeting House was intended to be the exclusive property of the church as a chapel of ease, for several reasons: 1st. There is no mention made of its being attached to, or dependent upon the parish church of Eglwys-Erw. Nor, 2nd, is the preaching confined to ministers episcopally ordained. And 3dly. On the strong ground that the said chapel has never undergone the rite of consecration; nor does it appear to be essentially necessary to the church, there being at the present moment a school-room attached to the establishment in that locality. I am of opinion that the words "Doctrinal Articles," used in the lease, apply rather to the "spirit," than to the "letter" of the church of England's tenets, and that the discipline of the church was not insisted upon in this instance. It appears that on several occasions, the chapel has been used by the Calvinistic Methodists, with the free permission of the Trustees, and although the position of the present successors of those seceding clergymen, is somewhat altered, from the fact that the Calvinistic Methodist ministers of the present day, are not episcopally ordained; yet, I am humbly of opinion, that the Trustees would use a wise discretion in taking an enlarged and liberal view of the provisions of the lease, in giving