Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Astudiaethau T Gwynn Jones.djvu/88

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

But yet n'ere Cristen Bretons so exiled
That ther n'ere som which in hir privitee
Honoured Crist, and Heathen folk begiled,
And neigh the castle swich ther dwelten three;
That on of hem was blind, and might not see,
But it were with thilke eyen of his minde,
With which men mowen see when they ben blinde.

A Breton book, written with evangiles,
Was set, and on this book he swore anon.

Diau mai gwlad rhamant yw hon. Yr oedd hi fwy fyth felly i Spenser. Ar ôl disgrifio'r marchog yn y Seithfed Caniad o Lyfr Cyntaf ei "Faery Queene," dywed ef nad oedd gyffelyb i'w darian, canys Merddin a'i gwnaeth:

Ne let it seeme that credence this exceedes;
For he that made the same was knowne right well
To have done much more admirable deedes,
It Merlin was, which whylome did excell
All living wightes in might of magic spell;
Both shield and sword and armour, all he wrought
For this younge prince, when first to armes he
But when he dyde, the Faery Queene it brought
To Faerie Lond, where yet it may be seen if sought

Yng Nghymru yn arbennig y dodai Spenser ei ramant, ac yr oedd Aran a Dyfrdwy yn gysegredig iddo. Yn y nawfed caniad o'r Llyfr Cyntaf, dywedir am "Old Timon":