Neidio i'r cynnwys

Tudalen:Llythyrau Goronwy Owen.djvu/111

Oddi ar Wicidestun
Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

I lived in Oswestry, been as nice a critic in valuable old books as I was in valuable young women, I might have furnished myself pretty moderately; but who can put an old head upon young shoulders?

Nid oedd genyf yr amser hwnnw ddim blas ar Gymraeg na phrydyddiaeth, na dealldwriaeth, na chelfyddyd yn y byd ynddynt 'chwaith. Dyma i chwi damaid prawf arall ar iaith odidog y wlad fendigedig yma. Iaith yw hon yn curo holl ieithoedd Twr Babel! Iaith na's deall dyn nac anifail nac adar y coed, ond a enir ac a fegir yn y wlad. "Tis said of the Chinese that they have in their language some sounds that no European is capable of pronouncing; but I defy the Chinese themselves or any body else, but Lancasterians, to pronounce. bout, thout, (for bought, thought) cont, &c., according to the genuine Lancasterian pronunciation. The o in such words. must have its genuine sound as if it were a Welsh word. Hai hai, dyma lythyr oddiwrth y Llew Du o Geredigion newydd ddyfod i'm dwylaw, dated at Aberdovey, July 3. Wfft iddo fo? am fod 9 diwrnod yn dyfod hyd yma. Mae Huw Roberts. yn haeru y myn ef gael 12 o Gywyddau am ei boen yn llusgo'r Delyn Ledr hyd yma! Fe geiff un, ac odid na bydd hwnnw yn ddigon ganddo. Aiê, rhaid talu iddo fo am bob peth a gludo in specie? Pa beth pe ceisid ganto gywain llwyth o lancesau hyd yma? Bellach bellach, chwedl y Barcut, rhaid troi hwn heibio ac ysgrifenu at y Llew i Lundain, ac i gant o fanau eraill. I have added a good number of words to the Glossary, as you'll find. Now my youngest son talks this language as well as any body, but Robert is too much & Salopian to learn it, and very often corrects his brother for using such ugly words as he calls them. When Gronwy says tean, coult, keaw, steel, &c., Robert says, you must not say these naughty words, you should say town, colt, cow, stile, &c. Gronwy could not speak when he came over hither, but Robert could; so the Lancashire Dialect is natural to Gronwy, being the first that he learned; which makes me fear that neither of them will ever learn Welsh to any perfection. Digon yw hyn o nonsense, Duw gyda chwi; annerchwch Mr. Ellis yn garedig. Wyf eich rhwymedig wasanaethwr,